Thursday, May 28, 2009

just came back from Changi Beach. it was kinda stupid. i mean, what is the use of this programme? lol! Elizabeth, Chia Lynn and Yue Ning picked up 6 chicken bones! haha! i was the one recording everything. it was pretty boring and tiring! i noticed that it was really dirty! there were like 32 cigarettes and 33 sweet wrappers in the beach. we were only allowed to pick up litter at the grass area! there was even a lighter there. lol! maybe tomorrow i am not going for Sports Day. i hate playing those games. plus i am V. bad at badminton.
i can't wait to go to Beverly's birthday party! :D i think its gonna be fun! i hope Chia Lynn is gonna be there too. but i am not very sure about the way to her house..
shall end here. bye! :)

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