Friday, May 29, 2009

didn't go for Sports Day today.
the weather is extremely hot!
couldn't stand the heat.
so i decided not to go.
plus, i didn't want to play the game.
feeling a little bored now.
my sister went out with her friend to watch a movie.
oh, talking about movies, i wanna watch: The Night At The Museum 2!
hahaha, i watched the first one already.
it was quite nice.
i have so many holiday assignments.
like 9?
but i finished 2 in class yesterday.
haha, that's the easy ones.
have to do that stupid Reading Report Bingo again.
and some chinese book reviews.
trying my best to finish all of them in the first week of June holidays. :)
then i can rest.
but i still have to go to school for supplimentry classes.
that's for maths and chinese.
for english and science, i'm going the Singapore Discovery Centre and Sungei Buloh. (SP?)
okay, i shall end here.
bye! :)

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