Sunday, December 28, 2008

hah! brought Boy out for a walk this morning. :)
it was his first time out.
he was so curious, you know.
he keep wanting to eat the leaves.
haha, and also he is afraid of the drain, stairs, and more, for sure.
i dont know.
but im still looking forward to bringing him out for a walk tomorrow! :D

Saturday, December 27, 2008

should i change my blog url?
hmm, what about sheryl-lovesyou.BS?
i dont know, but it sounds better than cuppy-licious.BS
haha, any suggestions?
誰かは私を心に抱くことができるか。 私は退屈する少しを感じている。
Demi Lovato - Get Back Lyrics
Don’t walk away
Like you always do
This time
You’re the only thing
That’s been
On my mind
Ever since you left
I’ve been a mess
(you won’t answer your phone)
I’ll say it once
And I’ll leave you
But I gotta
Let you know
I wanna get back
To the old days
When the phone
Would ring
And I knew it
Was you
I wanna talk back
And get yelled at
Fight for nothing
Like we used to
Oh, kiss me
Like you mean it
Like you miss me
Cause I know
That you do
I wanna get back
Get back
With you
Don’t look at me that way
I see it in your eyes
Don’t worry about me
I’ve been fine
I’m not gonna lie
I’ve been a mess
Since you left
And every time
I see you
It gets more
And more intense
I wanna get back
To the old days
When the phone
Would ring
And I knew it
Was you
I wanna talk back
And get yelled at
Fight for nothing
Like we used to
Oh, kiss me
Like you mean it
Like you miss me
Cause I know
That you do
I wanna get back
Get back
With you
You were
The only one
I wanted
And you were
The first one
I fell for
You’re the only one
That I’ve
Been needing
And I don’t want
To be
Lonely anymore
I wanna get back
To the old days
When the phone
Would ring
And I knew it
Was you
I wanna talk back
And get yelled at
Fight for nothing
Like we used to
Oh, kiss me
Like you mean it
Like you miss me
Cause I know
That you do
I wanna get back
Get back
With you
(Get back)
Get back
(Get back)
Get back
(Get back)
Get back
(Get back)
Get back
Oh, kiss me
Like you mean it
Like you miss me
Cause I know
That you do
I wanna get back
Get back
I wanna get back
Get back
I wanna Get back
Get back
Get back
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Friday, December 26, 2008

christmas, yesterday.
went to my aunt's place to celebrate.
ate lots of yummy food, until i was so full.
salad, stingray, turkey, log cake, and more.
haha, but i still prefer celebrating in hk.
shh! its fun-ner there. :X
aye! a few more days then i'll be back in school. :(
i just want to sleep, slack, play, and maybe study?
haha, but at least better than going to school.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

bored, so i just took a few quizes. :)

You Are Green Lights

Your holidays are a time of rest and solace.

You take time to reflect on the year that's passed.

You also enjoy connecting with friends and family you've lost touch with.

The holidays are your opportunity to remember what's important in your life.

You Are a Boston Creme Donut

You have a tough exterior. No one wants to mess with you.

But on the inside, you're a total pushover and completely soft.

You're a traditionalist, and you don't change easily.

You're likely to eat the same doughnut every morning, and pout if it's sold out.

You Are a Chicken

You are a naturally curious and inquisitive being. You are often poking your nose where it doesn't belong!

Collecting nuggets of knowledge is important to you. You enjoy knowing everything you can.

You are very independent and strong willed. You don't like to be bossed around, and you do as you please.

You are quite determined and able to take on challenges. You will "peck away" at a problem until it's gone.

You Are a Little Messy

You aren't the cleanest person in the world, but you're definitely not a slob.

You clean up when you have the time, but you're realistic about what you can get done.

Generally, you're pretty organized and tidy - though you may have a few hidden messes.

You eventually get around to making things spotless, but you do it on your own schedule!

Your Pizza Says:

You get bored easily by food. You need all sorts of flavors to make you happy.

You like unusual meals, and your food combinations may seem a bit random at times.

Pizza Topping You Should Try: Chipotle peppers

Stay away from: Plain cheese pizza. Boring!

What You Really Think Of Your Friends

You truly love Chia Lynn.

You consider Cheyenne your true friend.

You know that Chang Ting is always thinking of you.

You'll remember Roxy for the rest of your life.

You secretly think Elaine is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.

You secretly think that Annabelle is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.

You secretly think that Adeline is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Adeline changes lovers faster than underwear.

You secretly think Deborah is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Deborah has a hidden internet romance.

What Your Blue Outfit Means

You're a classic girl with an impeccable sense of style.

Down to earth you project a loyal and honest persona.

You are sweetly feminine - a strong, tough guy can't resist you.

Designer match: Prada

Signature accessory: Fur lined leather gloves

You Are Very Happy

Your life is totally together, and you enjoy every day.

And you don't need a quiz to tell you that!

You know how to find pleasure in the little things...

And even when life isn't so great, you have a good sense of perspective.

i just hope that i'm in hong kong right now.
where all my relatives are there.
i just hope that i can see them right now.
because i miss them so much.
well, back in singapore, its so boring and dead.
but i can't think it that way, because tomorrow's x'mas eve.
no plans. :(
anyways, i went out three times yesterday.
1st time: brought Boy along, wanted to bring him to the Vet in toh yi, but that stupid doctor was closed.
until 6, its open.
so we booked an appointment.
then we ate at macdonalds for lunch.
wah! so hot out there.
no air-con.
cos' we cant bring Boy in.
so we have to sit outside, hot! :I
2nd time: brought Boy out, again.
for his third injection, de-worming, and microchip.
the needle was super thick, and scary.
Boy barked! and also cried. :I
poor Boy.
lol! 1 week later, he can go out for walks already.
cant wait! ><

Saturday, December 20, 2008

went to west mall.
bought this handbag for my mum for her x'mas present and a wallet, (genuine leather!) for my dad.
wah! so expensive.
im broke now.
i also met my sister's friends.
fiona, ying xian, and zi ning. :)
haha, they are friendly.
i'm bored, again. -.-
only me and Boy at home.
blaa, he's just lying beside me, playing with is rubber toy.
lol, kkk, pet society, again.

Friday, December 19, 2008

watched Bolt at Cathay.
recommended! :D
its really touching.
haha, bolt is really cute!
and rhino too.
lol, finally the cafe in pet society is created.
but i dont get it, i cant even meet my friends there.
i cant even talk there.
i cant even buy coffee!
wth is this cafe for?!
uh, nevermind.
im gonna save up money to buy christmas gifts for my parents. :)
*sigh* i'm so bored.
boy is sleeping.
hahaha! i havent finish my holiday assignment!
i dont feel like doing.
its like they keep giving the same type of work every year la.
i did it halfway only.
dont even bother to do. -.-
k, off to play pet society :) lol!

Friday, December 12, 2008

hmm, this is my 49th post.
going on 50! :D
i am always blogging when i am a little bored.
like right now!?
anyways, if you have a facebook account,
you better add me!
i need more friends in pet society!
im only level 26! so slow!
just level-ed up today!
darn it! i just clicked the shit, and it turned into a coin!
waaah! i was waiting for a poop!
and i accidentally click it! >:(
arghh! im so angry.
and also sad!?
i miss my aunty! :(
i wish i could see her right now.
i will end here then.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

went to takashimaya,
ate that super yummy durian muchi! ><
also went to the esplanade boat quay to take some photos.
oh, and we also went to little india.
waaah! there were so many indians.
also did that hanna painting! :D
but the color is super light!
aye! im so sad, and also happy.
my relatives are leaving tomorrow at 3.
so that means their flight is at 6 o' clock.
but my other relatives are coming, but maybe not this year. :(
i will miss them! :(
arghh! this reminds me of school! :(
oh, and school reminds me that i havent done my chinese holiday homework!
im gonna be dead.
i hope that the teacher will not ask for the holiday homework. :/

Monday, December 8, 2008

aye, im so tired.
just went shopping with my relatives.
and also visited the bugis temple.
no offence, but the people there are a little weird.
i dont know, but i dont believe in that religion.
bought a little miss/mr shirt.
haha! its very cute!
30% off discount. ><
i wanted to buy that 2-quarter pants.
but its $25!
so expensive! :(
oh well, maybe tomorrow, im still going shopping.
i need more shorts!
okay okay, i got to go.
will update next time, when i am free! :D

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

here's some pictures of Boy:

isnt he cute?

Monday, December 1, 2008

i just got a dog today! :D
its so cute!
miniature schnauzer!
haha, now its really tired.
lol! when you walk quickly or something, it will follow you.
and it has some kind of smell.
oh, and his name is: boy.
aye! im also very tired now, okay.
just swept the floor, just for my dog.
and just went to tampanies.
so far away!
and my aunty doesnt know about this dog.
wah! when she come over, we're dead.
or she will say that we're crazy.
im very sure.
ok ok, i got to go.
my parents are back from buying all the dog stuff! :D

Saturday, November 29, 2008

everybody's level in pet society are suddenly all higher than mine.
such a sudden.
i'm so bored.
can anyone talk to me?
anyways, i cant wait until monday.
the dog day!
okay, i dont know.
just go to tampanies and look at all the dogs.
maybe can go to the farm or whatever.
but tampanies is so far away.
i cant believe it.
i'm getting a dog! ><
im so happy!
lol! im going nuts! :D
hmm, what should i name the dog?
any suggestions?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

im back in singapore.
that stupid grocery stall!
so hard to fix!
fix that basket also take so long!
anyways, i cant wait until my relatives come to singapore!
guess what?
ok ok, calm down!
i think the mini schnauzer is cuter than the poodle?
i dont know.
i like both! :D
haha! okay, got to eat my lunch.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

oh, i love today.
but im also sad that im leaving hong kong tomorrow.
at least my relatives would be visiting us on the 6th/dec.
bought a pencilcase, a wallet and a grocery stall puzzle (:D)!
cant wait to fix it! ><

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

guess where am i now?
hong kong!
haha! i really love the weather here.
not so cold, not too hot.
i went to macau too!
i travelled to hong kong by the ferry.
seasick! its too fast lah.
cant stand it.
also made my hong kong ic.
i looked super horrible.
oh and zachary came!
he's super cute! ><
haha! alright, got to go.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

went to my juntion 8
it was so funny & cute!
haha! also ate lunch ate lunch at kfc.
cant finish the cheese fries.
lol, okay, got to go.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

guess what?
i made JAPANESE PIZZA in school today!
i tried mine, though it doesnt taste good, it was fun making it! P:
we have to pay $2 for all the ingredients.
yup! just a short post, and i have to bathe.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

i am so tired.
i swam in the afternoon at my aunt's place.
and went to thomsan plaza to have our dinner.
i ate some kind of korean food and mango dessert.
it was great! but too sweet.
haha! wooh! im getting a little addicted to re wu jie!
lol! should try playing.
its really fun!
the china fake audition.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

hmm, this is just my 37th post.
my blog looks so dead.
yup! dead.
empty, tagless, pictureless blog.
haha! is there such thing as tagless or pictureless?
guess not.
anyways, in really afraid that i would fail my higher chinese paper.
cos' the c5 teacher said that many c5 students failed their higher chinese paper.
though im in c4, im still worried.
uh! i am so a not confident!
i really have no idea how to phrase it, but i dont care.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

watched high school musical 3 yesterday at west mall.
it was great! (:
yeah, bought a pair of slippers/flip flops for $9 plus.
yup! k, got to go.
have to watch that show!
dont want to miss it! :D

Friday, October 31, 2008

exam is finally over!
no studying, more playing.
haha! anyway, I just changed my blogskin!
i find it quite nice.
thanks elaine! :D
halloween today.
watching wizards of waverly place.
will add my music (playlist) now!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

science paper tomorrow!
and also the last! :D
heehee, high school musical3 is out.
I want to watch!
and I hate my relief teacher!
she is so -!
k, shall bathe now!
I'm sweating!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jesee McCartney- beautiful soul
Recommended! :D
long time no post, due to my crazy computer(s)!
uh! fed up with it.
but at least its working now.
hehe, i have to study & study & study.
cant wait till exam is over! :D

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

blah, I am so bored.
finally my compo exam has finished.
still left with 5 more(!!!)
ahaha, there's Something for 7 people on 8 to something december.
I know its super late.
And of course something for all my beloved friends! :D

Friday, October 10, 2008

my chinese compo (exam) today.
was a little difficult.
I chose the picture, I really have no idea of how to do the ming ti zuo wen.
Its about a boy, whom I named him; xiao ming.
and he threw a banna skin at the corridor.
then, a guy, I think his neighbour, was walking at the corridor, and he slipped.
next, a woman opened her house door, and above her head was a question mark.
next picture, that guy is sitting on a stool, and the woman is applying some medicine on his back, and that banana skin boy was telling him about what had happened.
so, that guy scolded him.
and then question mark.
I wrote; for the last paragraph that the man forgave the boy b'cos he did tell him that his the one who threw the banana skin.
yeah, stupid right?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Here's a quiz that my sister called me to do;

1) What do you do before bedtime?
tell my soft toy;elmo my feelings.

2) What is your favourite band(s)?
Jonas brothers; (but im not that crazy over them)

3) Wht video/arcade/computer games do you feel like playing at th moment?
hmm, habbo hotel?

4) Wht do you eat the most(other then rice)?

5) Do you trust others easily?

6) What's the oldest piece of clothing inside your wardrobe?
okay, I really dont know.

7) Is there anything that made you unhappy these few days?
yes, and its slidely better now.

8)If you were force, would u adopt a cat/dog or child?
I think a dog, and if I can choose one, I will definetely choose the golden retriever!

9) Is being tagged fun?
I think so.

10) What website do you visit daily often?
my loved ones' blog and hotmail!

11) Who're currently the most important people to you?
my family, and friends.

12) What kind of person you wanna be?
clever, and kind?

13) What do you think of yourself?
i think i think too much. lol.

14) What's your favourite item of clothing?
I really have no idea.

15) What's your all time favourite thing you know you shouldn't be doing?
blogging now when my exam is tomorrow :P

16) If you had $1000,000,000,000 in cash, what would you do with it?
Buy a pencil case, yo-yo, wallet, a new school bag, a handbag (for putting books), a new handphone, give 300,000,000,000 to my parents, and donate 50,000,000,000 to charity.

17) What items could you not go w/o during the day?
hmm, breakfast?

18) Whose the last person(s) you thought of?
I dont know? my sister?

19) What personality trait you wish to possess?
I have no idea!

20) Wht's the last song you sang?
小窿女's show the song :X (ahaha!)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just a short post;
Childrens' Day celebration today.
Ahaha, mr peck gave us a card thermometer.
Mine is orange peel.
And my chinese teacher gave us a mikey/miney mouse 30cm ruler; bao jian.
Haha, now everyone has one.
Okay, time to do my homework, bye!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I love this song; Cascada; everytime we touch
But I have to admit that the MV was weird.
Anyway, here's the lyrics and the video:

I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch
I feel ecstatic
And every time we kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life

Your arms are my castle
Your heart is my sky
They wipe away tears that I cry
The good and the bad times
We've been through them all
You make me rise when I fall

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch
I feel ecstatic
And every time we kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side
Changed my blogskin.
Hehe, can't wait anymore.
So, I decided to change it now.
But the font is kinda small.
Aiya, don't care lah.
ok ok, I better start doing my assessment, before my mum scolds me tomorrow.
Ahaha, at least someone bothered to take my 6-questions test.
Hehe, and that is my sister, Valerie!
Haha, will be changing my blogskin after exam.
As, I have not really a lot of time.
And after exam=1 month later.
And that's super long!
Don't care, shall be patient, and I have to concentrate on my studies.
I slept at 1 o'clock yesterday and woke up at 8:50 today.
Was super tired.
I did my chinese compo, then my arts; self portrait.
But I haven't coloured the face yet.
It looks super weird.
It doesn't even look like me, and it looks like an adult!
I shouldn't have coloured my lips red.
It looks like I put lipstick or something.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

finally finish english oral today! :D
its quite easy, though.
but I think that the chinese oral is hard.
& my chinese tester is my chinese teacher! :X
but she is okay lah.
I hate my art teacher man! D:
dont do a piece of art work, then want to write the name in the discipline file.
whatever, like I care.
though sometimes, she didnt write, like today.
how boring---

exam is coming.
im dead.
and I hate it!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Woke up at 7 o'clock, to cycle today.
And I went to Macdonalds' to have my breakfast.
I realised that Americans are really nice and friendly. :D
Hehe, one of them asked me whether my bicycle can be turned around.
And I said yeah.
Haha, he's so smart!
Then, he said: cool, and walked away, lol!

Uh, exams are coming.
And oral is just next wednesday!
I think my mother will be buying a (good) yo-yo for me after the exams.
(I feel like playing with a yo-yo now man!)
ok, I think I got to do my chinese assessment right now, bye! :D

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I slept at 1 o'clock yesterday!
I was making my lantern.
and I woke up at 10 o'clock.
wooh, im so tired!
& I cant cycle, again.
because I didnt wake up early!
I just realised that I have not done my maths homework book!
theres so much homework, its worse than the normal saturdays and sundays.
its only a day that I do not have to come to school, and my teacher gave me so much homework.
and I barely have time to even do my assessment books/revise.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

can't cycle today.
It was raining!
anyway, I think I'll be cycling tomorrow.
plus, my sister can join us! :D

I did the maths workbook.
it drives me NUTS!
I had to form a picture with rhombuses, rectangles, squares, trapeziums and parellelograms.
I tried to form a scarecrow, a house and even a parrot!
at last, I formed a weird heart.
uh, I dont care.
hmm, I still left with my lantern and a drawing of myself.
I bet the drawing of myself will look horrible! D:

Friday, September 12, 2008

yay! no school today.
due to PSLE listening and maybe mid autumn festival celebration?
but I still have to do 13 excercises of lead homework.
im probably going to ride bicycle with my mother tomorrow
and make sandwiches too! :D
oh, and i watched Camp Rock!
it was quite nice!
but I didn't know that they join the song together; This Is Me.
(I've nothing much to say!)
bye! :D

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

bleh blah blah, this is so boring.
hmm, i still have tuition later.
I think im in love with the cracker: oheya!
ok, im not sure of the spelling.
and my links are like -?
its like highlighted and i didnt do anything at all.
--- later i still have to do the social studies project game.
(have to cut the paper; answers)
how boring could today be?

Friday, September 5, 2008

camping was quite fun.
my instuctor is called: Jeremy.
but we call him by his nickname: Eeyore!
when the instructors says: pei hwa, oi.
we have to say: oi.
[when the instructors says: ok
we have to say: alright]
vice visa.
we even have to sing the hungry cheer before eating any meals.
if its not loud/good enough, we have to sing it again.
guess what.
I played the FLYING FOX.
ok, eeyore forced me to play because i didnt play any high elements.
it was kinda scary, at first.
at least I tried something.
we had campfire!
major A against major B
i'm in major A.
we also have to perform and do the cheer!
haha! eeyore said that our reward is not cheap.
and its actually a FRUIT PLUS SWEET. -________- haha!
and there were so many bees at night.
& the frogs and insects were super noisy lah.
cant sleep for the first night.
2nd night, instructor russle stood at the staircase and started calling names,
(to check whether they were there a not.)
then he said that he's our jie jie.
so some of us called him: russle jie jie.
then he said: tao yan!
oh my gosh! he's so gay!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

went to sentosa yesterday.
ok, we just bought a frisbee & a pair of slippers.
we played and build sandcastles
and ate ice-cream!
we went to the shore, and it was so dirty!
yuck! there's even a plastic bag floating on the water.
yeah, thats about it.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

changed my blogskin again. (:
heh heh, I like this one the most!
spent quite a lot of time linking and stuff.
tomorrow, i will either be going to wild wild wet, east cost park or sentosa.
I thought of building sandcastles (haha, I'm still so childish!)
long time I havent been to the beach!
to: someone
hey, dont be sad!
he was the one who was so mean/bad to you.
well, you got to get over with it.
its so true, what kelly said in the teenage magazine: most teenager's R dont work out.
cheer up!

Friday, August 29, 2008

teachers' day today.
i didnt have time to buy anything, so i just gave mr peck a card.
(last minute then i draw one :P)
i found a very cute & weird game: go-go-plant-2
haha, the person who sang the song is so --
the song/music is like so weird and funny lah.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I took so long to do that stupid parliament thing,
and I still have not finshed doing it.
its like forever!
im not sure whether we must make it like a compo?
or just print all of them out.
I think i'll just print all of them out, (im lazy and tired.)
nobody is on the computer except for me, im so bored.
i only rephrased some of the words.
its so -
i have to type and print in the Mac computer
then go to lead through the pc.
i better continue,
or else it take forever.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I didnt know that what I said was so mean and hurtful.
I shouldnt have been so rude to you and ml.
I shouldnt have even written that stupid diary entry.
I didnt know that you will take my words so seriously.
I really regretted what I've wrote but -- forget it.
I dont even want a contract.
If you want a contract, it means that you dont trust me at all.

What Sheryl Means

S is for Spectacular

H is for Heavenly

E is for Earnest

R is for Relaxed

Y is for Young

L is for Lucky

Friday, August 15, 2008

(table tennis woman)
i watched for about 2 hours,
thats so long man.
anyway, congratulations singapore.
later, hong kong & china playing table tennis (i think)
my mum wanted to go to wm cinema to watch the mummy3.
but its at 7 or 11:30 and now its 6:30.
so, cant go. ):
okay, i want to eat my KFC already, bye! :D
watching the olympics,
table tennis!
singapore♥ v.s. korea
i think singapore and korea won 2 games (or should i say matches?) each.
okay, im actually watching & doing my science assessments at the same time. P:
maybe i'll be eating KFC or pizza hut later, (yay!)
i ♥ the chicken wings and drumsticks from pizza hut man. (hee hee)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

this is boring.
even though i don't have to go to school. :I
only me & my grandmother are at home.
later, im probably going to wm with my mum & my sister. (:
return the books, buy stationeries (i dont have any more pencils!), and will be eating dinner there. (:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

wooh, i just came back from school.
it was so uncomfortable to sit on a table with my bag.
the plan was cancelled. ☹
though my mum allowed me to go with zhi xuan to westmall.
i kind of knew that her mother wouldnt allow her to go, nevermind.
sigh, i still have tuition later at 3:30.
at least there's no school on thursday & friday & no homework :D, (teehee)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

discussed with zhi xuan for so long on the stupid west mall thing, lol.
after buying that friendship keychain thing, you better use it. >:D
(we really think the same today.)
well, I'll ask my mum.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

finally, i changed my blogskin, thanks to VALERIE. :D
im doing the stupid lead now.
spent so much time doing it yesterday.
haha, chat on MSN for so longggg.
house warming yesterday,
me & my cousins played the game: dinorun.
eventually, we passed all the levels
& we also took many pictures.
they looked so funny, haha.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I wanted to do the thing, but I didnt know where to click on.
forget it, i'll just wait for chialynn to call me or something.
there will be a party at my house this saturday (house warming).
will be eating yummy food, haha.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

im so scaredddd.
the science practical test is tomorrow.
I bet i'll score very badly.
last year, I got a C, 10/20, just pass.
i'll surely fail this year. ☹

Monday, August 4, 2008

a short note for chialynn(:
haha, you really have bad luck today.
almost lost your waterbottle and ---(dont want to mention it.)
are you alright?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

hello, I just finished doing that stupid mars presentation thing.
it took me so long for me to do. -____-
at least I finished my homework.
uh, mr peck has been giving us so many research now adays.
i hate doing research man.
oh, & thank you ELAINE for helping me. :D