Friday, December 19, 2008

watched Bolt at Cathay.
recommended! :D
its really touching.
haha, bolt is really cute!
and rhino too.
lol, finally the cafe in pet society is created.
but i dont get it, i cant even meet my friends there.
i cant even talk there.
i cant even buy coffee!
wth is this cafe for?!
uh, nevermind.
im gonna save up money to buy christmas gifts for my parents. :)
*sigh* i'm so bored.
boy is sleeping.
hahaha! i havent finish my holiday assignment!
i dont feel like doing.
its like they keep giving the same type of work every year la.
i did it halfway only.
dont even bother to do. -.-
k, off to play pet society :) lol!

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