Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ahaha, at least someone bothered to take my 6-questions test.
Hehe, and that is my sister, Valerie!
Haha, will be changing my blogskin after exam.
As, I have not really a lot of time.
And after exam=1 month later.
And that's super long!
Don't care, shall be patient, and I have to concentrate on my studies.
I slept at 1 o'clock yesterday and woke up at 8:50 today.
Was super tired.
I did my chinese compo, then my arts; self portrait.
But I haven't coloured the face yet.
It looks super weird.
It doesn't even look like me, and it looks like an adult!
I shouldn't have coloured my lips red.
It looks like I put lipstick or something.

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