Wednesday, June 8, 2016

3AM thoughts


Here's a gif of me eating chocolate cake, supposedly my sister's reeeeeaaaaally belated birthday cake since she subtly hinted that she hasn't received any cake this year so being the nice and thoughtful sister, I got this coco exotic from Four Leaves. Tastes really good! Also got her a NDS game MarioKart for her gift. 

When you're awake at an unearthly hour, you find that there's so many things that you can do like you've limitless time in your hands. But when you wake up the next morning, you'll probably regret not sleeping earlier. Probably even get breakouts or be late for school/work. But you know what, it's fine because it's the holidays! What's a sem break tbh when all you do is go back to school for projects. 5 projects. 

I don't know why but I feel all sentimental during nights like this and my mind gets filled with a million thoughts. It's a pretty nice feeling i've to admit. Being alone, staying up, jamming to Coldplay, and basically thinking about everything the world has to offer. Maybe it's my way of escaping. Escaping reality? 

Editing my Japan video now, and I really miss Japan. I miss going overseas, anywhere that's not Singapore. You could call me a turncoat, or some ungrateful brat haha but I really am not. I probably just like other countries' cultures and landscapes more. Is that wrong? God, if you're listening, please give me an opportunity to study overseas or even work or stay overseas for a good amount of time. :-) i'd be so happy. Learning other people's cultures, exploring foreign places, getting lost (ok maybe that's not so attractive), taking loads of pictures and videos, making new friends and falling in love with the city... Sorry for the incoherent thoughts but that's what i've been feeling and a dream of mine ever since I was pretty young.

Will be uploading my Japan photos hopefully soon!!! Promise to get them done by this holiday. Till then! :-)

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