Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fulfilling week

Holidays are coming to an end unfortunately, but i'm trying my best to be optimistic. This week has been pretty fulfilling!

Went to Fairprice Xtra with my mum and dad on Monday. Grocery shopping with my parents makes me feel happy. You can just grab your favourite snacks off the shelves and they will most likely pay for it. Haha i'm just kidding but it's the company that makes the whole trip worthwhile! I wanted to bake almond cookies called "mother-in-law tongues" found in my dad's recipe book (what a cute and quirky name) but being an amateur, the whole thing was disastrous. Threw away almost everything which made my heart break a bit because we specially went to Cold Storage to get some extra ingredients. This totally reminds me of my failed cookie cups. However the recipe was pretty vague haha and I kinda added the baking powder at the last minute. #tryingtovalidatemyfailure

Half of Tuesday was spent with Doris in school. Had mcdonalds and did some catching up! Apparently FC4 Koufu relocated to the new building. So not ready for school to start. #helpme

Wednesday was spent baking again! Baked chocolate chip cookies and the recipe was straightforward and simple and I used it before. Was my 2nd attempt baking alone and I had music playing. Was so fun baking alone! It's really comforting and relaxing. Gonna do this again sometime when i'm free. I get happy really easily, but it's the same as the opposite. Took me about 3 hours in total then I headed to the gym to accompany my sis! Was surprisingly crowded and I don't know why but I felt pretty intimated by the guys in the gym.

Today my parents and I brought Boy to Pet Lovers for his much-needed grooming session! The weather was unbearable and the pavement was too hot for his paws so we took turns to carry him home. Carrying him can really gain you muscles because he's a whopping 10kg heavy! Plus my body was already aching from gym yesterday. #imsuchagooddogowner

Had brunch at East Manhattan which was located nearby! Was pretty pricey. Food was average. But ambience was pretty cozy!

Really appreciate spending quality time with them, they make me happy. I usually don't plan anything with my friends on Mondays and Thursdays unless it's school related because it's the only time they are available and free from work! 

See you guys in a bit! x

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Had a picnic at night at Vivo rooftop with some of the cell girls: Si Rui, Eunice, Vivien, Lin Ying and Wei Ling. Haven't been attending cell as of late so I was kinda clueless as to what was going on with the cell etc. Anyway I managed to make cocktail sausages and bacon skewers! Kinda time consuming but I somehow like making food. It makes me happy. (If it tastes nice haha) but somehow I feel like no matter how bad the food that I cook tastes, I don't mind finishing it all up. We updated each other on our recent happenings and talked about the cell group. 

Also, happy (belated) 18th birthday to my bff Si Rui!!!! Thank God for you! So glad that I'm comfortable to share almost anything that's troubling/upsetting me and also share my happy moments with you. We're in this together, don't forget that! 

It's so funny how she wanted to get the latest White magazine in Kinokuniya and obviously I couldn't buy it in front of her for her birthday present so I had to go another day just to get it. And I was finding excuses so that she wouldn't buy it before I do. I said things like "hey it's expensive, it's not worth your money. Don't buy it!" My dissuasion worked! #amiagoodfriendorwhat #noireallyam

Also helped my sis out with her flea market preparation last weekend. Gosh I don't know how she managed to buy so many clothes, so much so that we had to stuff it into 2 huge luggages and 2 bags and lugged it into a cab and then to Lucky Plaza. The customers were 95% maids and the whole place was like a pasar malam and everything sold was super cheap like $1/$2/$4. But some of them could still bargain and ask for discounts when the prices were already ridiculously cheap. 

Another update to share with you is that I was recently watching a Korean drama called "Birth of a Beauty" for the past week and my mum joined in and watched like around 5/more episodes with me. Note that she chose to watch it, I didn't make her do it. Haha I find it really cute though. Didn't expect her to be interested in these kind of shows. I can imagine her in a couple of years after retirement on a Korean drama marathon, bringing Boy for frequent walks, hanging out with Huan Yiyi, and accompanying my dad with his trusty old camera to take pictures. 

Tomorrow I'll be going to Woodlands to visit King Kong (not the 25 ft tall gorilla you see in the theaters aha, but Chao Lei's poodle) with Doris, Wei Yun and Tricia! Hope that it will be a fulfilling day. Gotta make the most out of my remaining holidays. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

To those people who make plans and then cancel on you at the last minute

You're really inconsiderate.

Knowing that we have already agreed to fork out time and that time is reserved to let's say have a meal together, and that prohibits me from making other plans. Do you not realise that i've worked my schedule around meeting up with you? And perhaps on the day before our supposed meet-up, you decide to flake out just because you want to sleep in/watch your favourite TV series/you don't feel like you're up to it/whatever excuses you come up with.
Do you think it's really fair? 

Of course I wouldn't mind if you've a reasonable excuse like something urgent you've to attend to e.g.  visiting a family member at the hospital. But other than that, you're just being really selfish when the other party has already invested time to making these plans which they look forward to, just to have you bail out on them with a crappy excuse. 

The most you can do is give an early notice that you won't be able to make it and postpone the plans. Ensure you have plenty of rest the day before and please just honour people's invitations