Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year resolutions

New year, fresh start and new resolutions right?

I'm making it a point to have it all thought out and published because there are some things that I certainly need to work on and writing it out here will probably push me to really keep them and incorporate them in my lifestyle.

So here you go!

1) Exercise regularly
ESP during holidays!

2) Sleep before 1:30AM everyday
Really essential to have plenty of rest!!!

3) To stop napping
Naps can be unhealthy because they normally make me feel groggy and disorientated and they interfere with my nighttime sleeping. And according to research, you can die prematurely if you nap too much!!!!! Just stick to resolutions no. 2 and 6 and naps will no longer be necessary!

4) To have a healthy diet
Consisting strictly of no deep fried food, fast food, soft and sugared drinks (including cartoned fruit juices), confectionery and snacks, frozen and packaged food, and maggie noodles. Eat loads of veggies and fruits and make juices during the weekends!!!! Treat day once every 2 weeks. (Notice I used "treat" instead of "cheat" because as much as I crave these unhealthy food, having a good diet isn't a punishment and I think is something I really might enjoy given that I really have made improvements in terms of my diet since last year compared to previous years where I would carefreely indulge in all kinds of food. But as of now, i've been making a conscientious effort to eat everything in moderation. Although there are missteps along the way, it's perfectly normal. Perfection is unattainable and just get back on track!!!!)

5) Drink plenty of water everyday
8 cups a day.

6) Revise consistently
Consistency is key! Keep a list of small and attainable things to accomplish every week. I'm sure this will lessen my workload and stressfulness when it comes to exam period (which is after Chinese New Year wow).

7) Join a new CCA

8) To take more pictures

9) Spend more time with my family, friends and cellies
To show concern for them through words of affirmation, acts of service, and surprise them with gifts and short letters!!!

10) Write a thanksgiving each day

As for my faith goals...

11) Guard my time with God through daily devotion and prayers

12) To go for encounter camp

13) To put God into consideration whenever I make decisions because I can't work without Him
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

14) To faithfully do what my leaders ask me to
Even if the appointed tasks seem daunting, one thing's for sure that God will never put me through anything I can't handle.  

15) To pray for my family's and friends' salvation

This verse really puts my heart at ease knowing that even amidst everything going through my life, there's only one constant and that's God's everlasting love for me and that He will never leave nor forsake me. "That's right. Because I, your God, have a firm grip on you and I'm not letting go. I'm telling you, 'Don't panic. I'm right here to help you.'" Isaiah 41:13

Even as I was thinking of what goals I should include, I went back to my 2014 New Year resolutions post and I found out that actually 6 out of 12 of them are included here just that they are more specific. And even if I break any resolutions, it's okay, don't worry. I'll just work on them everyday knowing that I can achieve them step by step!!! It's possible!!!!!!!!! 

I think 1/3 of my brain is fried after thinking for more than an hour on what my resolutions should be and doing research on the list of food I should avoid... But better set it in black and white than a day later right?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Start of 2015

Blessed New Year everyone!!! As 2014 has come to an end, I can't help but feel like I didn't exactly want the new year to approach so fast. It's quite scary how time flies. And this word really hit me as i'm taking time to reflect through the past year: urgency. Urgency for my pre-believing family and friends to receive Christ. 

And here's a quote that I can came upon and resonate with and if you're a pre-believer and you've this mindset/misconception towards certain Christians, here you go.

'Everybody thinks i'm crazy. They say, "You take the Jesus thing too seriously." Well I don't know, but Christ took me pretty seriously when He died for me on the cross.'

Honestly, 2014 hasn't been very smooth-sailing for me because even as I got my school posting results, I wasn't exactly happy that I got posted to DTRM in SP even though I wrote that course as my first choice but there wasn't any excitement because up till now, I don't know if my career option will be related to the tourism industry but I just thought that God will really reveal to me what His plans are, and i've to be sensitive to His promptings and just continue trusting in Him even as time goes on... even if it isn't easy and challenges are presented to me. 

There's this pit/void in my stomach right now and that's because I just found out that i've stats homework which I haven't even touched gosh. And the thought of 9 weeks of school approaching kinda just makes me wanna roll in my bed and hide under my blanket but ah... I'll leave this verse up and God bless for 2015!!!

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but The Lord establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9

(I'll write up my New Year resolutions probably in the next post because i'm feeling so tensed up right now)