Sunday, August 3, 2014

Mum's 50th

It's august 3rd already can you believe it?  Left with one month before semester one officially ends!!! For the past few weeks I've been spending loads of time with Cheryl, Tricia and Javier on our DBE project. Made lots of effort in our report and presentation materials which includes a mexican piñata stuffed with styrofoam tacos and sweets. Even did the hat dance which was filmed OMG the embarrassment, nevertheless it was fun and super hilarious. Stayed back on certain days till at least 7-8PM even at ITE college west and had a great time with them x yesterday was our presentation and as usual, I prayed beforehand because I've a fear of public speaking and I tend to get nervous and I'll stutter but thank God it turned out pretty alright. Our hard work paid off even though it was kinda impromptu because we hadn't got enough time to rehearse but it was not bad in my opinion.

Last Sunday was my mum's 50th birthday!!! The big 50 but unfortunately she had to work. We celebrated the next day and my sister and I made her eggs benedict topped with hollandaise sauce and toasted waffles served with strawberries with loads of help from my dad because it wasn't easy as how the recipe video looked!! Bought her 3 small tubes of L'occitane hand cream and a wooden photo frame from Muji and also made her a card xxx glad she liked them. We had breakfast/lunch/dinner all combined (bc we ate at 3-4 and I skipped breakfast) at Sushi Tei wow their food is seriously overpriced. Also had a durian cake from Durian Mpire. Really blessed to have her as my mum; always giving and never receiving the same. Can never ask for more. 

As of now I'm sweating so much because I'm blogging while waiting for my bus to come when I'm already late and it's taking forever!!! Oh and guess who I saw this Wednesday at marine parade????? Mr Chua the discipline master from Queensway!!!!! #feelingsentimental 

Can't wait for tomorrow to come because the Scanteak furniture is arriving plus a new sofa woohoo that's all for now <3

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