Friday, August 15, 2014

First blood donation experience

#acting like i'm well-read

Have been caught up with ITB project work recently and I even have to return to school on Sunday to finish it up and prepare for our presentation so that means i'll have to skip cell group. Plus we are required to be in formal wear for our presentation on Wednesday oh gosh I don't like the idea of it because it adds to the stress and anxiety I may get. Thankfully, it isn't going to be long, 15 to 20 minutes per group. Most probably getting the formal wear at Jem with Wei Yun this Monday/Tuesday after our PACC revision with Mr Pang.

You know I just posted a 15 seconds cover of Cool Kids by Echosmith because i'm obsessed with the song ever since I first heard it on Vine by Kenzie it was so perfect and yeah basically it has more than 70 plays on my iTunes but you know the thought of other people (more of your friends and acquaintances) listening to your voice on instagram is kinda terrifying. I don't know but like maybe putting myself out there can somehow boost my self-esteem???? My singing isn't even good that's for sure okay but I enjoy singing and yeah bottom line is i'm really scared and nervous about putting my cover out there. 

Today marks the end of Term 2 of Semester 1. Not exactly but in terms of lessons, yeap it is. I've finished with my gen ed (so glad it's over) video and I think I gave myself a heart attack and it led to an emotional outburst????? So it was rumoured (from Gabriel) that we were supposed to upload our videos by 5pm but my partner, Jia Ee and I were kinda lacking behind because we hadn't got a suitable time to meet until Tuesday which was our submission dateline and we finished making the video at 6+PM so when I reached home I couldn't even eat! I was so stressed about getting it uploaded and it literally took forever for it to be processed; almost 2 hours maybe? I even asked for a prayer request because I was really afraid that Mr Wilson Yeo would penalise us and deduct marks and I can't afford to do badly because i've done bad enough for my first CA. So thank God everything was fine and that gen ed and MOB presentations are finally done and over with!

Also, I finally plucked my courage to donate blood for the very first time!!!!!!!!!! And i'm really proud of myself because blood donation is something i've wanted to do because many medical procedures require blood transfusions and it may save a life! #acheivementunlocked I was very nervous the whole way through because I was afraid I might faint thanks to Rasiya describing her incident which gave me a fright — she had a seizure and blacked out for a while and another girl who fainted and fell off the stretcher and #SOS the nurses surrounded her and lowered her stretcher and she regained consciousness. The whole time I was like mentally preparing myself and thanks to the encouragement from my friends and cell group, I got through it!!! It wasn't exactly as painful as I thought even though the anaesthetic injection stung a bit and the needle looked terrifyingly thick! It hurt for a split second but generousity overrides pain plus the nurses were very solicitous and caring; which made the experience tenfold better and i'm just so glad I went.

This coming week will be a tough one and then it will be my exams on the following week - PACC and econs! Gonna give my best. Here's a verse "With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26 Just gonna rely on Him for strength and yes, I hope this coming 1.5 weeks will be a fruitful one!! xxx

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