Sunday, April 20, 2014


So I was mainly occupied with my school's freshmen orientation programme this entire week except for Friday and the weekend of course! I'm in DTRM (diploma in tourism and resort management in case you aren't sure) class 03! Had registration and ice-breakers and an opening address by the diploma heads on day 1. Day 2 consisted of an amazing race and performances led by SP's wushu club and vocal talents! Really impressed because i've never heard an acapella group sing live before!!!! Day 3 was SPICE training and taking an EI test and day 4 was flag day! We were stationed at Lavender and yeah I just stood around the area outside the MRT and asked people for donations and I was being rejected and ignored loads of times but it's okay I think it's my last flag day anyway. Had a pizza treat kindly sponsored by Brian and Phyllis, our FOP facilitators! Thankful to have them. 

Had a quick breakfast at Mcdonalds with Si Rui before preparation for the TGIF party at Tanjong Pagar, Rohei. Had a great time catching up with her!!! Thank goodness Shaun came by Macs to buy takeaway so we went along with him to Rohei because we had no idea how to get there. Had ice-breakers, egg hunt, food trail, followed by The Bridge and testimonies shared by Kai Yee and Joevenn. Anyway, i'm just really thankful that the event turned out successful and that Chia Lynn and Cheyenne took time off to come. Hope it was a fun-filled experience and that God's words really spoke to you guys!! ♡

Had Easter service yesterday and it was great spending time with my cell! Had dinner at Toby's and we were offered student meals even when the promotion was over! Took bus 48 home and thanks Si Rui for coming along!!!!

School is officially starting tomorrow and i'm kinda dreading it but hopefully it will start off right and things will go smoothly.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Week in review

(Excluding the weekend)

Monday: went to SGH for my backbone check-up with my mum and it turned out okay - as usual and  had my dental appointment at JMC later in the afternoon. Felt great to spend quality time with my family. 

Tuesday: hung out with Beverly! Haven't seen her in such a long while (and by that I mean 4 years). So nice to finally meet her and catch up. Watched Noah together. The movie was pretty convoluted and flawed. I reread Genesis 7 and I realised that it wasn't biblical accurate, kinda disappointing to be honest. Had supper at The Soup Spoon and found out that she's applying for a place at Lasalle, meanwhile she's working part-time.

Wednesday: basically did some housework and slacked a little bit. Have been incessantly watching The Carrie Diaries, my current favourite TV series. At season 2 right now! Did some gp etc, nothing interesting.

Thursday: family day~ Visited the doctor in the morning and spent most of my day reading the second half of The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. For some reason, I put off reading this for a long time (since December) and I actually bought the book because of the hype surrounding it. But I got more wrapped up in this book than I thought I would. The book was amazing and heart-wrenching and hilarious and the characters felt so real. It was everything at once and I absolutely can't wait for the movie to be released!!!!!! I had goosebumps watching the trailer #thefeels 

Friday: Si Rui came over to my place and I made breakfast! Nothing spectacular, just a really healthy sandwich. Brought Boy for grooming at Yappily, thank God a cab came without us having to wait for a long time. They did a pretty good job i've to admit - he's clean-shaven now! Had lunch at Umi Sushi and Henry was so kind to give us a ride back home. Went to Kinokuniya at Jem in hopes of getting another John Green book but Looking For Alaska wasn't available but i'll most probably get it on Sunday. Had tea at Mado but I didn't really like it. Bummer! 

I guess that's all what a long update. P.S.: I won't be updating much since i'll be having orientation next week and actual schooling the following week. Love ya x

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sometimes you feel so mad but you've to hold it in and tears just keep welling in your eyes.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Feeling nostalgic, homesick. Guess i've to deal with it alone.

Friday, April 4, 2014

SB FOC 2014

Hello i'm finally back from SP's business school freshmen orientation camp! I was initially a little worried because I signed up for the camp alone but it wasn't that bad!! So the theme of the camp was disasters which included groups like tsunami, avalanche, wildfire and cyclone and I was in cyclone 1! Played introductory games so that we would become more acquainted with each other and stuff and went to many stations in campus. And they brought us into the auditorium where we were forced to watch a Thai horror movie and I was literally closing my eyes most of the time. We had a night walk thereafter and everything was pitch black and my seniors were dressed up as ghosts, something like a scene from a haunted house. #screamedloads my voice is a little hoarse now. Pretty well-planned out!

Had amazing race and running man the next day. Gala night consisted of dance performances and clubbing. They had music cranked up really high and it was basically like a dusky and dingy nightclub (not like i've been to one #underaged #dontreallyintendtoanyway) and I don't know it was quite overwhelming to be honest, I felt slightly dizzy and my vision was a little blurry after that. Headed back to Camp Challenge at Sembawang and slept at 2+AM for both nights! #insomnia

Anyway I don't have a picture of my group on my laptop but here's my group members' names: Joanna, Shurti, Jia Yang, Walter, Jia Hao, Jason, Jevin, Fifa, Evangeline, Daniel and Xi En x

Went to the post office with Si Rui this afternoon to collect our Boohoo package!! Items were in good condition but I didn't really like the emmie batwing cardigan, posted it up on Carousell hopefully someone would buy it. We went to Scape but I'm a picky shopper so I didn't really get much but anyway thanks for accompanying me to school for my superdrive!

Gonna sleep soon, tribe meeting tomorrow! Goodnight x