Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Should I?

Hello I've been using the computer for quite a while already. Hahahha gotta tell myself to stop slacking gosh. Yup, I've received my report book and there's nothing really good. Lol but I improved. So that's a good news right? I'll be going to HK this Sunday, haha. I don't know if I've enough time to revise before the exams. I don't wanna resort to last minute studying again.

Having a headache now, again. I didn't even sleep well yesterday. I probably slept at 12:30 and woke up at... 5?   Lol was probably disturbed by the luggage-packing-noises. Hahhaha. Awww I do feel guilty. Boy is going to be alone for around a week when I'm in HK. We're sending him to some store that provides dog boarding service. Can't really trust strangers. Paying more for him to roam around the place, but who knows, maybe they will just lock him up. Hopefully not.

There's Teachers' Day celebration tomorrow. Wow, my school is really diligent. The teachers are still gonna teach even when there could be a half-day. Lol, yay?

I've been too bored, but I know I should be doing some work. I've been playing Maple, hahaha I've no life. I've a mechanic called Katiexoxo. Lol its level is 24 now. It's really boring to redo the quests over and over again. Hmmmm wishing the Sep holidays would be longer. :)

Yup, planning to go for lunch tomorrow with my friends, thought it would be too late... Aww. Caught up in a small dilemma. Haha.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Time flies quickly

Hello I'm here to revive my blog! Haha okay, my common tests ended last Friday. Generally it was horrible. So far I did pass most of my subjects. I just haven't received my Geography, Maths, Art and DNT. Um anyway, did I mention that I'm going to Hong Kong from the 4th of September to the 9th??! Hahahaha okay sorry if I'm being naggy. Lol yeaaaa, no CCA this Friday. I don't have school next Monday, Tuesday and Friday! Yay finally I think I've enough time to meet up with Chia Lynn, Cheyenne, Chang Ting Grace and Yue Ning. Term 3 is coming to an end, it's really fast..

And yessss of course watch this cover of Maddi Jane's! Secrets by One Republic.

Friday, August 12, 2011

I cannn do it.

Common tests next week! Gosh I soooo should be studying right now. So yes, right after this I'm gonna do it. I've been sick for the past few days. Coughing and flu and soar throat. But I think it got better. The coughing really annoys me. Jia Wen didn't come yesterday and today, ah omg. And there's a new transfer student. Lol yea nothing much this month. I'll be going to Hong Kong during my September holidays. Lol that should be all, will be studying this and next week :-(

Goodbye, I cannnn do it.