Monday, November 29, 2010

Life is a gift. Never take it for granted.

Merry Christmas. 
Hey. So let me recap. On Friday, I had this Girl Guides activity at Kampung Glam. It was kinda fun, but tiring. Went to Bugis with my patrol to discuss about the camp. And our group is called: Taylor Swift. Hahaha. Yeah then had lunch at Sakae Sushi with Si Rui. Mmmm~ 

I level-ed up in Maple, level 50. So I'm training my Dual Blade. Level 18. Oh well, I should stop playing. I hate Maple for making me addicted to it and wasting my time on it. Just came back from lunch. Had dinner with my aunt and cousins yesterday. It was a fun day. It's raining heavily now. I kinda like the feeling of cool breezes after and during rain. It makes me want to sleep. 

Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. Lord Byron

"I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday." Eleanor Roosevelt

11:11 happens twice a day, because everyone deserves a second chance.
Why wait and wish for 11:11 when God listens 24/7?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

“Be a sunshine in someone’s gray cloud”

Stop searching forever, happiness is right next to you.

“Be a sunshine in someone’s gray cloud”

“All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.” ~Winston Churchill

Hello! Yeah my blog is really screwed up. Anyway, I'll try to add the tagboard as soon as possible. Went for swimming today. Going for some heritage trail tomorrow at Kampung Glam. Oh and I was kinda lazy to train my Maple character. Level 48, 60+%. Haha. And I played Audition with Chia Lynn and Cheyenne just now. Will be going online at 1 tomorrow. Probably reach home at around 1? The journey is kinda long. Okay got to go. Goodbye.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Blogger sucks. 
WordPress is better.
Chia Lynn is breathing very loudly on the phone.
I can conclude that she is mad.

Something's wrong.

Something is wrong with my blog's font. Can someone help? 
Hello. Something is wrong with my other blog and this blog. I can't seem to change the font to small. So it's this big. And I'm stuck with it. I feel like changing my blogskin, but I can't find one. I'd like one with the font Georgia, the text about the size of >>> (my tabs at the side). Hmmm anyway, I went for my guitar class. And leveled up in Maple, currently level 47. Haha. Hurry up, level 50. Training, doing party quests, but mostly did it by myself. Hehe. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Don't drink and drive you might spill your beer."

Hey. I'm feeling terrible. I'm sick. Stupid cough. Hopefully, I can skip swimming tomorrow. Haha. Met up with Chia Lynn, Cheyenne and Grace at the Pei Hwa bus-stop yesterday. We were all wearing the sisters tee. Haha. Hmmm anyway, we didn't go to West Coast and went to Bugis instead. Chia Lynn ordered spaghetti and it cost $8.90. Okay. And I already ate some stuff so I ordered tako balls and watermelon juice. Grace was taking unglam pictures of Chia Lynn and Cheyenne. And me? I'm not sure. Grace, please don't post it up. 

Took neoprints two times. Haha! Went to Chia Lynn's place after that. Was playing her NDS. I don't know where mine went. Mine only has 2 games. How pathetic. It's spoilt. Ah. Will update soon. Bye.


1. Money can’t buy happiness but
somehow, it’s more comfortable to cry in a BMW than on a bicycle…
2. Forgive your enemy, but
remember the bastard’s name.
3. Help a man when he is trouble & he will remember you
when he is in trouble again.
4. Many people are alive only because
it’s illegal to shoot them.
5. Alcohol does not solve any problem, but then,
neither does milk.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm downloading the Maple wizard patcher. It takes forever. Well, I hope blogging kills time. Kinda bored. Seriously, hurry download! Oh and Chia Lynn, I replied your email. Go check!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm lovin' it.

I'm really lazy. So I've been playing MapleStory. I'm level 41. There's a patch tomorrow. Sigh. I forgot to trade my fame today. Hmmm. Okay I really don't want to turn into a Maple freak. Or whatever you call that. I'm printing out my English assignments from Lead. And Vanessa just returned from Japan, Tokyo. I'm so jealous! 

Chia Lynn, please pass me the apple rock stickies. Thanks for helping me buy. I'll return you the money when we meet! Yeah. Holidays are a bit boring. Bye. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I love the mountains, I love the sun so bright.

Sorry! I know I haven't been updating. I'm plain lazy. By the way, 9th February, Taylor Swift's Speak Now world tour concert! I want to go, but sadly, it's $90. And that price is the cheapest. I shall save up! Haha. 

The world is just awesome- Discovery Channel
This is my favorite song in the channel. Haha.