Tuesday, June 2, 2009

went to Sentosa yesterday.
brought Boy along to Siloso Beach.
hahaha! it was his first time swimming.
he looked so cute!
and he kept digging the sand!
he even ate some of it! lol!
i haven't even started on my holiday assignments yet! :X
okay actually, i did two of them already.
the easy ones.
lol, i am so glad that there is no chinese tuition for the June holidays because she, (my chinese tutor) went to China.
but there will be make-up lessons.
haha, during english tuition, Mavis kept making me laugh.
like i don't know why she was laughing.
i'm gonna keep asking her though she doesn't wants to tell me.
*sigh. tomorrow, going to Sungei Buloh (SP?) for science supplimentry.
the timing should be 8-12 right?
yay! at least i don't have to wake up at 6.25 a.m.!
then, maybe i am going to Chia Lynn's house.
i think Friday is better.
cuz' Chang Ting and Cheyenne couldn't make it tomorrow.
okay, i better continue doing my work.
bye! :)

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