Friday, September 25, 2015

3 weeks of holidays left and it's got me feeling rather nonchalant. I wish time would slow down though. Have been helping my parents out at the store pretty often, every weekend night and going down really opened my eyes and made me realise how tough it really is to work in not the best environment where you normally have the AC running, having to eat your meals late, and feeling all sweaty and oily after work. #colbiecaillatreference I used to help out in secondary school but I only did the serving and taking of orders and other miscellaneous duties, but now since we've shifted to Taman Jurong, i've to help out with closing as well and it definitely isn't easy. So guys, do appreciate your parents for their dedication and hard work to putting food on the table. 

Also, after a few years of telling my parents that I would like to treat them to Starbucks, I finally had an opportunity to! (my mum only though) but I love the feeling of giving to others, it's really satisfactory. 

Spent my holidays editing my sister's Japan videos. 2/4 done. Here's the first: Tokyo!

Till next time! x

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