Saturday, January 11, 2014


It's been more than a week since I've last blogged! Last week's service was great! It was generally about soaking in God's presence, probably a good way to kickstart 2014!!

Also penned down some of my New Year's resolutions during cell. Here it goes:

Sheryl's New Year's Resolutions 2014
• Do quiet time daily
• Put God first in my priorities
• Do more of what makes me happy
• Spend more quality time with my family and friends
• Update my diary and blog frequently
• Have a healthier diet
• Exercise regularly
• Sleep early
• Not linger in bed and spend my time wisely
• Make new friends
• Put forth my best effort in studies and everything else
• Pray for my parents' salvation

I know that seems quite ambitious, but you've got to set some goals right?

Full week of work, nothing special happened. Ashley, one of my colleagues/part-time staff left for a course overseas which makes me kinda depressed and I've been overly-worried over my O Level results this entire period. Can't shut off my negative thoughts and it's causing me anxiety.

Went to Ngee Ann's open house with Chia Lynn this morning and checked out a few business and humanities courses. Feeling quite muddled and confused about where I wanna go like I'm only 16 I've no idea what I really want to do when I grow up. I don't get why I can't pursue my passion instead of being practical and landing myself a job with a stable income in the future. This really annoys me so much.

I'm sorry this post is quite messy and maybe boring but I'm just trying to keep my New Year's resolution. No guarantee when my next update will be but don't worry I'll be back!

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