Monday, December 2, 2013

December updates

Currently eating grilled cheese on burnt bread for dinner because I refused to help my parents pack and clean the store so I guess I'm getting what I deserve. But what I think I actually deserve is a part-time job because Si Rui and I have been job hunting and filling up application forms and going for interviews but still unemployed. I'm trying to be positive about this because I believe that God has a plan for us and that everything will work out so that's that really.

Watched Catching Fire recently and we were seated at the first row because the movie was recently released and we didn't book the tickets beforehand so we had to strain our necks and I was covering my ears half the time. The sound effects and visuals were a little overwhelming for me. Overall, the movie was great but the ending was abrupt.

Also made sandwiches and bought loads of healthy ingredients which I normally don't make an effort to buy.

Also went to The Grandstand or formally called The Turf City with Chia Lynn and Chang Ting but we just walked around. Didn't managed to buy much, only Twelve Cupcakes. The place is really cool and instagrammable and they look like European shops etc that explains the pricey menu.

Can't believe how fast time flies because I'll be leaving for Shanghai and Hong Kong this Friday and I'll probably update after that x

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