Actually I really did see the fireworks display at Marina Bay from a distance at my relatives' place. But anyway, so far the first 11 days of 2013 weren't very enjoyable. Just felt that this year didn't start off really well. Partly because my grandmother had a heart attack, and she's currently still staying in the hospital. I don't know what the other reasons are. They aren't definite. It's just a feeling I can't explain. A bad vibe, I suppose.
Spent my Saturday morning in school today. I woke up extremely early. (Yes I consider 5:20 very early even though I wake up at 5:30 every weekday for school but c'mon it's a Saturday!) Oh I forgot to mention that it was CCA fair today. And it's my last CCA fair. Mm to be honest, it was kinda boring. Walked around the school handing out flyers to sec 1 girls promoting my CCA. Yeap, as usual the whole school was really noisy, everyone was shouting, yippie.
And here's a picture of how my school looks like with CCA banners.

Went to Vivocity with Si Rui to buy my dad's birthday gift. His birthday is coming up. Actually it's the end of this month but I just wanted to get it early because I might be busy later on and he really deserves to get a good gift. I know when parents say they really don't need anything for their birthdays or Fathers'/Mothers' Day because they think that it's a waste of money, but no it really isn't the case. They really appreciate it if you get them a gift. A handmade one will do. Anything made by you. It really shows that you care for them, that they aren't forgotten, and that they hold a really important position in your life. Always remember it's the thought that counts.
Okay I got really distracted but it's my honest opinion. I took a really long time to decide which shirt to get. I ended up with this.

I really wanted to get the shirt which says "National Geographic" with their logo on it. But they only have that for kids! C'mon! That's like so simple and basic and they don't have it for adults?
Anyway they were having a 50% sales. I'm so lucky.
And thank you Si Rui. I know today hasn't been a really good day and the main reason to travel all the way there was to get my dad's gift and I appreciate it. :-)
So we went to Sentosa (again whoops) to make a ukulele cover of Try by Pink but apparently we got really annoyed because the weather was so hot and humid, and we walked so much just to get a quiet and shady spot only to have people coming to our spot (ok we don't own the place just saying) of the beach. It was empty at first alright!
Let me tell you the first few attempts was just like us staring into the camera awkwardly and then laughing at ourselves. Like really. It's hilarious. I watched every one of them after I got home. Yea, I can't really find a good cover cos the strumming sort of covered our voices. And it wasn't even quiet in the first place.
Here's a few pictures at the beach.

This was good.

That's all about today.
And I wanna share with you something because I'm quite busy with school lately and I don't know when I'd be able to update my blog again. :-) So here it goes. It may seem a little random but it's just my random thoughts.
Life is short. And that's what makes it precious. I often think to myself what do I want to accomplish before I die. And in order to achieve those things, I've got to make much more effort in my studies. Because some things can only be made possible if I had the money. And that means I'd need a good and stable job in the future. It's a sad reality that we all got to face. It also scares me a lot because I don't know what the future beholds.
And this may sound so boring but I don't care, it's my blog. I've found two proverbs which I really like from an English assignment.
1. "God helps those who help themselves."
We can't possibly just sit back and wait for God to help us with our problems. We have to do our best, and leave God to the rest. < I think I heard this is primary school when we were about to take an exam.
2. "Youth is wasted on the young."
When I was younger, I've always fascinated about how it's like to be an adult. Now? I really don't have much interest in it anymore. This quote just shows that young people aren't wise enough to know what they should be doing at their age when they are physically fit and healthy, when they still have the ability to do things that the older generation can't. But this older generation knows what they would've done if they were young again.
I hope I won't be using this quote once I've grown old. I don't want to live in regrets.
Okay, I don't know why but I seem pretty "deep" tonight. So that's all. Till then.
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