Wednesday, December 5, 2012


So I had a really rough day today. Okay, it's not really me, it's more of my dog. My mum and I went out for breakfast this morning. When I returned home, I found a dental floss box lying on the floor. At that moment I knew he had eaten the floss because this has happened before! I saw a bit of string hanging out of his mouth and I started pulling it out really gently and slowly while patting his head and stroking his fur. I was so worried and panicky - because dental floss/any type of string can get tangled or caught in the intestines and cause serious and even fatal issues. Anyway, I managed to pull out some. And my dad came home to help because I can't really pull it out anymore. Somehow we did it. We got a lot of dental floss out. I'm really thankful to God because I prayed, hoping that he would be okay. And he is. :'-)

And I'm also going to talk about this game which I've finished playing called Ninja Love. I was really bored so I scrolled through the games in the app store and I happened to find that. The title sounds silly, but as the story progresses, the guy's character seems quite interesting. It's not that bad, really. It's a japanese anime dating sim. Dating sims are basically visual novels and there are lots of dialougues and the endings are different depending on which lines you pick. I like this sort of games because it puts you in the shoe of the main character.

Another thing is I used to have a NDS, but it's spoilt now. I played this game called Sprung, and it's also a dating sim. It's really fun and the graphics and storyline are really good so if you have a NDS, do download it!

Also, I've been staying at home so I got inspired by a short story in Tumblr so I thought of drawing a wolf (so random). It ended up like this.

Maybe the features don't look very proportionate but it is sort of or maybe at least a little bit similar looking to the picture at the right, right? Or maybe you can't even differenciate which is the real picture and which is the drawing! ;-)

Also brought Boy down yesterday. And look at how excited he was!

Smiling with his eyes closed.

He's so adorable and I can't get over it.

Lastly, I just want to say that it's December already (obviously), so I was thinking this year has just passed just like that. It seems so short. So yeap, I should make the best out of this last month of 2012.

Guess that's all. I'll be coming up with a rant post so be sure to check it out soon!


Janelle said...

hey pls post more posts!
I promise To come back more frequently'
Love it. Thank You for sharing ur story :-)
Its another anonymous :p

Sheryl said...

Thanks "anonymous". I really appreciate it. :-)