Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I've completely neglected my blog this year!!! Somehow video-taking + editing seem more interesting (i'm guilty to say). But i'll be on a short hiatus till my next post and i'll probably be excited to blog since i'll be going to a rooftop to take more shots woohoo!!!!!!!!! Yes and more trips to cafes? With WL too I guess!! And I was contemplating whether to go for my 04 class outing this coming holiday, but now that they've already decided on a date which I can't make it due to project, o well haha it's just not meant to be. Thinking of it, it's been >1 year since i've last seen any of them! (Except for Sherlyn and SR of course!) Will it be awkward???? Still remember 1 year ago Feb 4, they surprised me with an ice-cream cake and a balloon ah too nice of them and I was so touched :-)

Something random but I actually like writing notes and giving people small little presents/snacks, really simple way to make someone's day! But now that MSTs are next week, I don't really have the time. Ah it's ok, will update 2 weeks later!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I feel empty, like something is lacking in me ever since I stopped my QT, stopped going to church and cell group. Even when asked to go to cell retreat for half a day at a chalet in Changi, I don't feel motivated at all to attend. I honestly signed up for post encounter because I don't want to lack behind and I wanted company. I feel like i'm such a bad human being. I feel like i've been keeping everything bottled up ever since my mum made that decision of not allowing me to go for church and cell group. Nothing is working. I pushed God aside, I just did things my own way. I don't know what to do... Like i'm alone in this journey. I'm afraid i'll break down when my sister leaves for Japan for 38 days, and all i'm left with is myself when I get home and I usually get irrational thoughts when i'm alone. I overthink to the point that i'll cry a lot, and nobody really knows.

Nothing is going right.