Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Totally drained

I've been watching many YouTube videos recently, such as Internet Icon etc. Anyway, The Brothers Riedell are really humorous and definitely not a waste of time! But I haven't been getting enough rest lately. I don't know if it's me, or the fact that I'm just plain lazy, I've been sleeping at 12 or later everyday! Which gives me only 5 hours plus of sleep. I do take afternoon naps sometimes but I still feel so sleepy during lessons, I can't help but doze off.

So for the past 3 weeks, I've been having tests and quizzes, given homework, taught new chapters. So I was doing a quick search on the Sticker lady in Singapore (because I had this English group work), skl0, and she had pasted mischievous stickers around town.
It's illegal, yes, but 3 years of sentence? Isn't that too harsh for just pasting stickers around the streets and painting "my grandfather road"? It would have made my day if I had seen her stickers on the traffic light buttons. :-) Just saying.

Caught "The Amazing Spiderman" with Si Rui last week. It is a must-watch! I don't know why, maybe because of Andrew Garfield but I think the movie was great as long as you're able to take action-violence films. It's not exactly too bad. :-D Oh, I also went to Sakae Sushi for buffet yesterday. I regretted going because I felt like I had gained a few kilograms! I'm serious. I had 8-9 plates and a small cup of mango ice-cream.
Absolutely too much food.  
Takoyaki balls.
This is one of my favorites! Salmon skin handroll. It's really crispy, you should try!
Had Old Town Coffee on the day we watched Spiderman.
So that's all, I'm ready to drop even though it's only 10:41 P.M., goodnight!

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