Thursday, January 26, 2012

Left out

Everytime you guys are talking i feel that I'm left out of your conversations. I should be more open minded and I tried but it always stays the same.

Guess I shouldn't be so worked up. Watched this movie that was filmed quite some time back called The karate kid. It's a fantastic movie. Just that I watched it halfway. Chinese test tomorrow and I need to start revising.
I mean this is how I really feel and maybe I'll laugh about this when I grow older. It's quite silly. I shouldn't be unhappy over these things. I saw this quote on Tumblr last time, "it will be okay in the morning". A new day is a fresh start so why am I thinking so much?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Short update on the way home

Have been pretty busy recently because school just reopened etc. Well it's the second week of school. And earlier last week, Saturday, I accompanied my sister to imm to buy some materials for her learning corner. It was past 8 and was pretty dark. Was speed walking And fell 😓 lol it hurt quite a bit at first but it should be just a minor injury. On Sunday my sister went over to my aunt's place with some other cousins to bake pineapple tarts yum! Couldn't come along because I had guitar class.

Oh and sorry if the format of my post is weird or something. Still not sure of this blogger app. And I shall end my post with this picture of my dearest Boy. 😊

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New year

Hi it's no longer 2011. First day of school today. Brought all the textbooks required for Tuesday but none of the teachers used them. Well anyway, my form teacher is mrs loy. And for both additional math and elementary math they are the same teacher ms wong. She's pretty nice and understanding. I've been given homework already. ._.

As for Christmas i got this jacket from my sister. It's kinda thick but i like it. 😊

I just got this bag. But I don't think it would be able to hold my books. 😔

I'm blogging before I leave the house for school. Don't really know the format for this Blogger application haha.

Had a stay over at Elaine's place last Saturday for the new year countdown. My sister was with Gillot and Eugenia haha. Played monopoly deal for like 2 hours or so? Went to the rooftop to
play with the sparkles etc.

She showed me her kindergarten photos. And her other pictures haha. Mm then watched some hong kong new year movie using the portable dvd player. Slept at almost 5 am omg. Lol on new year we went to wear mall to have lunch and that's pretty much it.