Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hi there. Feeling kinda bored so I decided to update my blog. Its been my second post for this month. School has been okay. Just that mid year is coming. I got my april report card already. I mean they give out the report card every month. And its really bad. For my chinese. I think the class average was 43, the test was really hard. That's one of the reasons why I hate that subject.

Oh yeah and I went to Chia Lynn's birthday celebration, its was fun. 'Cuz I never tried bowling before. It's really hard to not get a gutter. Lol, its true. And yea, happy belated birthday to Chia Lynn and Wei Ling. You both share the same birthday. 

Okay will try to update more often next time. Goodbye. And I spent so long to find a blogskin yesterday and I ended up with the same blogskin. And about the wordpress thing, I don't know, try to comment! Thanks. I also created Tumblr, but I don't really like it so never mind. Yeah. Bye!

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