Thursday, October 22, 2009

Went to Chia Lynn's house yesterday, together with Chang Ting, Cheyenne, Elaine and Yue Ning. But Elaine arrived later, just after we played badminton and tennis. So we rested and watched music videos and etc. Everyone was sweaty so we went to the pool. We tried to spray Elaine with Cheyenne's water gun, but she kept running away, and hiding in the toilet. Ate Mcs, while watching some music videos, again. Lol! We played card games, like Snap, Stress, and Old maid! Chang Ting was the old maid 5 times! Elaine and I kept laughing! Wth?! We went to the fifth storey, and took many pictures, until two indian men stopped us, as we aren't supposed to go there, it was quite dangerous. We then watched the ending part of Titanic. Elaine was like laughing all the way! Wth! Haha, she is so cold blooded! Hope that we can do something like that again! Gtg now, seeya'!

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