Sunday, April 19, 2009

yipee! i can go to high maths achiever!
not boasting here.
just happy.
and also frustrated.
you know why?
cos this computer, is driving me NUTS!
it loads so slowly.
and i am impatient!
slow computer + impatient me = frustration!

i can't believe i have not finish my homework.
i totally forgot about the chinese composition!
-second draft.
uh! i hate doing compositions!
especially chinese!
anyway, what i wanted to tell you is:
i can't complete my maths homework.
because: my dog ate my homework!
and i am not lying!
its totally true!
okay, actually, its not eat.
but, he tore my paper into many pieces!
i know you might not believe me cos its a very popular excuse, but i am telling the truth!
and how exactly am i gonna explain to mrs sachi?
i will just call beverly to photocopy for me.
anyway, out of the 4 questions, i only know 1!
haha! and luckily its only a page! :D
lol! okay okay, i got to continue with my compo.
goodbye! :)

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