Wednesday, January 21, 2009

YAY! finally i can use the computer! FINALLY!
omg, since three weeks i have not been using.
both computers spoiled. -.-
i am munching and munching on some zoo land biscuits now. xP
i plan not to wear anything special on friday.
plus i have no new year clothes/any niceee clothing. :(
just school uniform will do. :)
i really noticed that p6 is so much different than p5 la.
much more WORK!
k, maybe im exaggerating, but its true.
i have been thinking and i think library is a kinda relaxing --- cca.
i filled up the form already.
hah, kinda fast.
but i dont know whether i will be chosen. :X
lalala, i'll end here. :)
tata! <3

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