Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just a short post;
Childrens' Day celebration today.
Ahaha, mr peck gave us a card thermometer.
Mine is orange peel.
And my chinese teacher gave us a mikey/miney mouse 30cm ruler; bao jian.
Haha, now everyone has one.
Okay, time to do my homework, bye!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I love this song; Cascada; everytime we touch
But I have to admit that the MV was weird.
Anyway, here's the lyrics and the video:

I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch
I feel ecstatic
And every time we kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life

Your arms are my castle
Your heart is my sky
They wipe away tears that I cry
The good and the bad times
We've been through them all
You make me rise when I fall

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch
I feel ecstatic
And every time we kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side
Changed my blogskin.
Hehe, can't wait anymore.
So, I decided to change it now.
But the font is kinda small.
Aiya, don't care lah.
ok ok, I better start doing my assessment, before my mum scolds me tomorrow.
Ahaha, at least someone bothered to take my 6-questions test.
Hehe, and that is my sister, Valerie!
Haha, will be changing my blogskin after exam.
As, I have not really a lot of time.
And after exam=1 month later.
And that's super long!
Don't care, shall be patient, and I have to concentrate on my studies.
I slept at 1 o'clock yesterday and woke up at 8:50 today.
Was super tired.
I did my chinese compo, then my arts; self portrait.
But I haven't coloured the face yet.
It looks super weird.
It doesn't even look like me, and it looks like an adult!
I shouldn't have coloured my lips red.
It looks like I put lipstick or something.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

finally finish english oral today! :D
its quite easy, though.
but I think that the chinese oral is hard.
& my chinese tester is my chinese teacher! :X
but she is okay lah.
I hate my art teacher man! D:
dont do a piece of art work, then want to write the name in the discipline file.
whatever, like I care.
though sometimes, she didnt write, like today.
how boring---

exam is coming.
im dead.
and I hate it!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Woke up at 7 o'clock, to cycle today.
And I went to Macdonalds' to have my breakfast.
I realised that Americans are really nice and friendly. :D
Hehe, one of them asked me whether my bicycle can be turned around.
And I said yeah.
Haha, he's so smart!
Then, he said: cool, and walked away, lol!

Uh, exams are coming.
And oral is just next wednesday!
I think my mother will be buying a (good) yo-yo for me after the exams.
(I feel like playing with a yo-yo now man!)
ok, I think I got to do my chinese assessment right now, bye! :D

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I slept at 1 o'clock yesterday!
I was making my lantern.
and I woke up at 10 o'clock.
wooh, im so tired!
& I cant cycle, again.
because I didnt wake up early!
I just realised that I have not done my maths homework book!
theres so much homework, its worse than the normal saturdays and sundays.
its only a day that I do not have to come to school, and my teacher gave me so much homework.
and I barely have time to even do my assessment books/revise.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

can't cycle today.
It was raining!
anyway, I think I'll be cycling tomorrow.
plus, my sister can join us! :D

I did the maths workbook.
it drives me NUTS!
I had to form a picture with rhombuses, rectangles, squares, trapeziums and parellelograms.
I tried to form a scarecrow, a house and even a parrot!
at last, I formed a weird heart.
uh, I dont care.
hmm, I still left with my lantern and a drawing of myself.
I bet the drawing of myself will look horrible! D:

Friday, September 12, 2008

yay! no school today.
due to PSLE listening and maybe mid autumn festival celebration?
but I still have to do 13 excercises of lead homework.
im probably going to ride bicycle with my mother tomorrow
and make sandwiches too! :D
oh, and i watched Camp Rock!
it was quite nice!
but I didn't know that they join the song together; This Is Me.
(I've nothing much to say!)
bye! :D

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

bleh blah blah, this is so boring.
hmm, i still have tuition later.
I think im in love with the cracker: oheya!
ok, im not sure of the spelling.
and my links are like -?
its like highlighted and i didnt do anything at all.
--- later i still have to do the social studies project game.
(have to cut the paper; answers)
how boring could today be?

Friday, September 5, 2008

camping was quite fun.
my instuctor is called: Jeremy.
but we call him by his nickname: Eeyore!
when the instructors says: pei hwa, oi.
we have to say: oi.
[when the instructors says: ok
we have to say: alright]
vice visa.
we even have to sing the hungry cheer before eating any meals.
if its not loud/good enough, we have to sing it again.
guess what.
I played the FLYING FOX.
ok, eeyore forced me to play because i didnt play any high elements.
it was kinda scary, at first.
at least I tried something.
we had campfire!
major A against major B
i'm in major A.
we also have to perform and do the cheer!
haha! eeyore said that our reward is not cheap.
and its actually a FRUIT PLUS SWEET. -________- haha!
and there were so many bees at night.
& the frogs and insects were super noisy lah.
cant sleep for the first night.
2nd night, instructor russle stood at the staircase and started calling names,
(to check whether they were there a not.)
then he said that he's our jie jie.
so some of us called him: russle jie jie.
then he said: tao yan!
oh my gosh! he's so gay!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

went to sentosa yesterday.
ok, we just bought a frisbee & a pair of slippers.
we played and build sandcastles
and ate ice-cream!
we went to the shore, and it was so dirty!
yuck! there's even a plastic bag floating on the water.
yeah, thats about it.