Friday, May 31, 2013

Sister's birthday celebration 2013

It's 3:19 AM and I'm awake (obviously) and I just bathed. Don't feel tired, really. The reason is because I had a bad headache yesterday night and I slept right after dinner. So yeap I pretty much can't sleep now.

Last day of Chinese intensive and I don't know I'm pretty nervous for the first o levels written paper. And also worried for parents meeting. Sigh #mrsloypleasereturn 

Totally craving for mac and cheese, macs apple pie, s'mores (which I can make right now but I'm lazy to), durian mochi, and home cooked dishes. 

Okay didn't plan to combine 2 posts but shall continue with my sister's birthday celebration. It was simple but I hope she was happy. 

Sister's birthday celebration 2013

Sister's treat to family (yay)

(Even though I hardly say this) but i'm really grateful to have my sister. She's someone whom I can talk to. She makes me feel happier and less lonely. She is also a very strong person I believe. And I hope that she's able to enter NIE yay <3

Very short post but I'm feeling tired. Goodnight/good morning. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Unhappy thoughts

This article resonates with me. 

If you ask me to rate how I'm doing right now on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say 6. Or 5.5? I know this seems really controversial because of the article I mentioned earlier but I really feel unhappy right now.

Life in singapore is so stressful. And it's not just studies. I feel so lost. I honestly feel quite unhappy. 

Let me tell you what, I'd like to migrate to another country because I really dislike living in Singapore sometimes. I know it seems like I'm taking things for granted but I just think that maybe Hong Kong would be a better choice next time I graduate. Wow. Being a Hong Kong PR opens doors to more opportunities but its a tough decision I've to make in the future. Even so, I don't have to make a choice now. 

Being the immature me I found this on tumblr and I can relate to it quite some bit. 

This is what I want. I guess. 

Yea "the grass is always greener on the other side" I get this proverb. But it just occurs to me that this is how I feel and maybe I'm wrong. 

But I'm just gonna try to do my best in my studies right now. And not be distracted. 


Friday, May 17, 2013


Mid-year exams have ended and I'll finally have sufficient sleep! Okay I've got to admit that I didn't do my best for certain subjects because I was too exhausted. I had really little sleep during the exam week, let's say 3-5 hours per day because of my last minute revision and I'm quite frustrated at myself. I just  don't seem to learn my lesson to revise beforehand but hopefully, I won't do the same for prelims.

Anyway, not gonna bore you but I went to Jurong Point today with Si Rui after physics paper 1! Bought Iron Man 3 movie tickets and it was really good! 

Ah Robert Downey Jr!!!!!!!!!!

Totally would recommend you this action-packed movie!

Walked around John Little before the movie and were looking through all the cute princesses and hello kitty bedsheets and cutlery sets ah like I'd actually use it if it were given to me.

Also walked around shops to look for my sister's birthday gift and I've found something probably to her liking. Well I like it, so I'm guessing that she'll actually wear it? But the thing is that I'm afraid she bought this before cos it looks familiar. I took the risk anyway. #risktaker 

Got these adorable party hats from Artbox! And I forgot to mention that we bumped into Nicole Tong thrice. It was an awkward encounter. Hehe but it was sorta nice to see her again. It led me to think that I'm such an awkward person. Like at the shop where I was asking the sales assistant whether I could get the cropped top, and she sorta just looked at me, and I looked back at her and put the top back onto the rack like what was I actually supposed to do?

-Back to the topic- I guess my sister wouldn't find out about this birthday surprise (is it even considered one?) or maybe birthday preparation because she's away for a church camp.

Had lunch at Toastbox and ordered laksa! Not bad but I think my appetite grew smaller (hahaha don't judge me).

Got home and attempted a cover of Please Don't Say You Love Me but I have up. Just didn't feel like doing one. 

I'll update more frequently maybe. But I'm really afraid of receiving my results on Tuesday. I just don't wanna know how badly I did for chemistry and amath. And maybe physics. Maybe I don't deserve this post exam break.

Anyway, goodnight. (I enjoyed my Friday morning/afternoon)