Thursday, December 25, 2014

Blessed Christmas

It's finally Christmas!!!!! !⑈ˆ~ˆ!⑈ A joyful season which I always look forward to — not only because of the amazing Christmas food, the vibrant and colourful decorations you see along streets and shopping malls, decorating the Christmas tree (I don't even have one but I would love to), gift shopping (although it can be pretty stressful esp when it's last minute and there are masses of crowds queueing up trying to buy easy gifts like Royce chocolates and overrated Pandora jewellery for their loved ones), scented candles, and festive songs playing everywhere!!!!! But you know what kids??? •ᴥ• Jesus is the reason for the season!!! The true meaning of Christmas isn't just about buying and receiving gifts, it's the celebration of the birth of Christ!!!!! And this unspeakable joy and peace He has gifted us with, and it can't be replaced. So yeap I won't be turning this post into a sermon aha but just wanna share with you what Christmas is really about.

Today I spent my afternoon at my aunt's place having loads of food which includes the heavenly cheese fondue (prepared by my dad) and it's actually antique because my mum bought the pot 30 years ago in Switzerland and it was only first used today (can you believe it???) and other super good food. Look at the amount of calories i've gained!!! ●︿●

Tonight was just spent sleeping but i'm somehow fine with it, at least Boy is kept accompanied. Honestly, to come to think of it, I prefer spending Christmas at home, in Singapore, with my family and friends instead of overseas even though they have pretty iconic places and scenic landscapes because it has a more cozy and homely atmosphere and it's where I was brought up 2/3+ of my life.

Hope you had a blessed Christmas everyone!!! ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Had quite a sudden urge to blog and update about school but most probably a brief one.

School has been alright, but I feel that I haven't been productive as of late and I still feel physically and mentally drained. I've no idea why. These days have been particularly stressful especially because there are projects to complete and presentations to be carried out. (Actually just 1) and i'll be having gen ed discussion cafe tomorrow but i'm only halfway done researching my points and i'm exhausted. I know it's really boring to read about my school life but right now, my life only revolves around school and more school and occasionally church.

Anyway, thank God that FOM prezzie is over and i'm so gutted to say that my tutor, Ms Jamie will no longer be there for next term because my original tutor will be back and she wasn't teaching our class due to medical reasons so she was substituted. Just wanna submit the rest of these 2 weeks to God. I know my strength isn't sufficient and i've to rely on God and it's really difficult to stay on top of things when there seems to be an endless list of work to be done. God please help me get through these 10 more days i'm so tired even though I haven't been doing much. This is ridiculous.

Okay enough negativity, just wanted to share how my dad was so sweet and thoughtful recently when I casually told him that my iPhone cable was spoilt, he then bought me a new one a few days later with a special feature but unfortunately, it couldn't be plugged into my phone. So the next day, he went to get me another one. This was a really simple act of love but I was immensely touched. It's small acts of love that gets me going and makes me really happy and blessed to have a father like him.