Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Don't kill yourself

Just watched Anna Akana's video where she talked about her sister's suicide and the emotional scar it had left her was indescribably painful and heart wrenching, I ended bawling my eyes out even though I had never lost a loved one because of suicide... And I absolutely admire her courage to put herself out there to talk about this huge issue - one that's the third leading cause of death among teenagers. I feel like I'm incredibly stupid and ignorant that a few years back, I would ask myself why would people want to actually commit suicide???? There is so much to live for, so many things we haven't seen and experienced, so many opportunities to take up and so many dreams to fulfill. It would all be wasted, wouldn't it? I hadn't thought of things like depression, addictions, bankruptcy and so many other things I had no knowledge of. Obviously I don't know of many social matters raised up on the news but one thing I know of is that killing yourself is a permanent way to end a temporary problem and I wouldn't even say it's a solution because of all the unnecessary confusion and emotional trauma your family, friends and people who love and care about you have to go through everyday of their lives. They have to cope with what you've left them with. It's totally not worth it at all. Even if you think you're at your lowest, please ask for help from anyone, you don't deserve to go through this alone. You are loved and if you dare say someone doesn't care about you that no one would even care if you actually didn't exist, you're wrong. Think again. I care about you and you can talk to me if you like via my tumblr - http://frithe.tumblr.com/ I know i'm not good with words but as long as I helped one of you, I don't mind spending more time on this post.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

"For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living." Romans 14:79

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sem break part 2 O(≧▽≦)O

11 bucks and a wrong drink order but oh well their latte and mocha tasted similar so 

This week has been great (only halfway through though), did some café hopping and met up with Jan and went to quite a lot of places. Somehow I love to go to new places and do some exploring and take some pictures as well. Went to Bukit Merah specially to check out the family thrift store but ugh the clothes were pretty old-fashioned and it wasn't to our liking so we kinda just wasted our time and effort walking all the way there. Because it was still early, we decided to visit The Bakery Chef and just chilled and I really enjoyed it x

Met Jan again on Wednesday and we headed to Holland Village because of the popular soft-serve dessert sold at Sunday Folks so we took some pictures around the place and reached at 12PM and two waiters a few cafes away were looking at our direction and I was like "they must be thinking we're so desperate to be the first customers" because we were seated at their benches when they weren't even opened yet. We then realised that it only opens at 4PM so yeah they basically thought we were dorks aha but it's okay, we found a really crowded cafe called Baker & Cook. "The best moments are the unplanned ones that just happen but make your day perfect." Totally true. It's nestled in a secluded housing estate and it sells a wide variety of bread, cakes and other Western food and ah I really loved the ambience. (Plus the person taking our orders had an adorable accent) After having lots of chit chat time and stuff we went back to Jcube and ice-skated!!!!!!!! Even though the rink was so full, we still went. Better take a chance than never, right? So I was still a little awkward but I did improve by a lot compared to almost 3 years back!!! Was trying to be like those kinda rough ice hockey players but I fell. Even ended up with 2 blisters and aches but I guess it was worth the skate.

Also had my backbone check-up and my mum accompanied me and I kinda made her go to CBTL with me and I had my much-craved frap yum! Finally revamped my blog and added a new playlist hope you like it! Loving Jasmine Thompson so much x

Monday, October 6, 2014

Cruisin' and bruisin'

Hi welcome onboard to Superstar Gemini 〜(^∇^〜)
 “Being on a boat that's moving through the water, it's so clear. Everything falls into place in terms of what's important and what's not.” James Taylor *deep reflection in progress while casually posing for the camera*
Take me back to deck 12 please!
 The view when having our meals at Dynasty

Hello i'm finally back from my study cruise!!!!!!!!!! (Not like I was gone for many days, just 4D3N but it's long enough for you to miss me) So the cruise was quite a new experience really. Wasn't very excited initially but the thought of taking pale-themed pictures and the incredible scenery of the waters got me all hyped up!!! The breeze was just amazing and I could feel it caressing my face and on my feet, taking it all in. Shared a cabin with my roomie, Wei Yun and wow the bed was so comfy and I could fall asleep lying there within 5 minutes. Basically we had a lot of free time to do our own activities and spent 1/4 time doing work so it was more of a holiday trip to me (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

Stopped by at Penang and Langkawi and briefly toured around Park Royal hotel and Berjaya resort and the casino and had our buffet lunch there. Did some shopping too but only bought some snacks, nothing much there actually. Also got to watch performances every night and we got front row seats 2/3 times! There was a crew dance done by 3 divas who were guys cross-dressing as females and oh gosh it was so uncomfortable and hilarious at the same time. Also watched the Brazilian show ah the guys were really hot and dreamy looking just saying. Wanted to watch the sunrise but didn't really manage to, was way too exhausted to get up at 6AM. Gala night was alright, preparation was kinda chaotic but we had full course fine dining at Bella Vista and I had salmon with wasabi sauce and shrimp pasta and chocolate lava cake which I kindly said I would skip it twice to the waiter but he still served me???????? But honestly I loved the cruise because of their excellent service!!! The crew was mostly very friendly and they would always greet everyone with a smile. Plus I ate a lot during the whole cruise, imagine 3-4 meals a day - all you can eat buffet and occasional full course meals ~(⊕⌢⊕)~ Atmosphere was also very friendly and homey, felt at ease. 

So thankful to have this opportunity to go on this trip with my course mates subsidised heavily by my school and i'm so glad that I enjoyed myself.

Went to Lola's Cafe located at Kovan with Chia Lynn and Cheyenne as well, was great to talk to them after like 3 months??? Was told that it was a 1.5h wait but thank God it was only .5h but it was worth it! Food was awesome and price was reasonable too!!!! Also had an overnight cyclist event called Ride For Rainbows 2 days before and we didn't really do our jobs, just fell asleep on the bus but our IC was so nice! And attended my dearest neighbour, Li Ping's 21st birthday party at Chevron with my class and did last minute gift shopping.

Listening to christmas songs 2 months earlier, why not? Guess that's all, goodnight!!!!