Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Overseas trip

I'm finally back from China and Hong Kong! China was honestly the coldest country I've ever visited and as much as I like to complain about how humid the weather in Singapore is, I try not to anymore because I currently have a different perspective on winter right now. The temperature range was -3°c to < 10°c and I was literally freezing because I wasn't feeling well. Apparently I missed the snow in Hangzhou but it's probably a good thing because I don't think I could have endured it.

Love the amazing scenery in the few places that I visited in China which included Hangzhou, Wuzhen, Xitang, Suzhou and Shanghai. Mainly travelled on buses and trains and went to a different province almost everyday which was pretty exhausting. And I hated to shower because I was unused to the cold weather. Also had to put on layers of clothing to keep me warm and the heater was my best friend haha. It was also quite hazy but still bearable. 

Anyway here are the pictures to sum up my entire trip! -Which are arranged in order-

Cheesecake made by Brian's girlfriend, Anna

Received this in the mailbox from Lisa but didn't really expect it and it was a rather pleasant surprise! She's actually from Tumblr known as sexceptional and I left my address in her submission box even though it was kinda risky and as promised, she sent me a little quote which made my day. Also received Si Rui's letter haha I love handwritten letters.

Had loads of good food in Hong Kong as usual and I miss my relatives already. I also finally got a job at Red Cross which was recommended to me by my aunt and it's basically just data entry etc but I hope everything goes smoothly on my first day which is tomorrow.

Also gonna miss out on Christmas carolling #sigh but it's alright I guess. Till then! x

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