Friday, June 7, 2013

Tumblr addict

Rainy night and I'm using tumblr while listening to Jayesslee. This is getting out of hand, I've been spending way too much time on tumblr ever since Chinese O levels has ended. (Which explains why I'm so reluctant to create a new post here) Who knew tumblr could be this addictive?

I've moved to so I recommend you to follow if you like! No really just check it out! >:-) 

It means that I'm no longer using my previous tumblr - sheryl13. I wanted a change and I like tumblr a lot. I reblog pictures and quotes which really relate to me and anything that I like. It's a really great website to socialise because almost everyone has a good sense of humour (I've no idea why) and they get along really well. 

That's one issue. And just wanted to share with you that when I was at the bus-stop with Si Rui this afternoon, a lady sitting beside me turned around and asked, "excuse me, do you know where's the merlion?"

Then we told her it's at the Singapore River. Our bus arrived and yea we sorta just laughed a lot. I've absolutely no idea why I couldn't control my laughter. Like out of the blue someone asks you where the merlion is (it's just so funny) or is my sense of humour that bad? Because I laugh at things that aren't funny and yea I really do need to learn how to manage this problem. Totally applies to English tuition classes gosh what's wrong with me.

Anyway, I've been feeling pretty happy these few days. Trying to forget about the other things that make me depressed etc and tumblr helps so maybe that's why I look forward to going home just to use tumblr on daddy's laptop. I sound like such a nerd but no don't judge me.

Will end here and I'll update soon maybe x