Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hi September

Hi it's 1st September. I'm actually really tired now, but I refuse to sleep. I mean it's only a 1 week holiday, and I'm loaded with so many assignments! Not to mention I've to attend a course in Singapore Polytechnic next Thursday and Friday.

These two weeks after the common tests were crappy, I mean I was so busy, I didn't really have the time to do the things that I like doing. And I spent my whole night on Tumblr. I've deleted all my old posts, and I don't know if it's the right choice. Oh well, it's already done. And I've updated new ones and changed my theme! It's really simple but I'm lovin' it.

I've also received my common test results, and I've improved but it's not up to standard. And I know I've to put more effort and I will.

I'm exhausted, I don't know what to say. Mm so this is Boy, he is almost turning 4 years old this month! He has brought a lot of joy into my life, and I'm really grateful that I have him. I mean without him, I would be so lonely, and yep dogs are literally man's best friend. :-) 
Dog in a box. He likes to sleep in there.
Oh, and one more thing to add before I shut the computer down. My blog has been around for 4 years! I love to blog. It is a place where I can vent out my frustrations and rant about anything. Thank you. Okay, I just thanked my blog lol, I'm so weird.

It's a short post, I know but bear with me! I notice that I seldom blog and one month only consist of 1-2 post(s).

Adios amigo!