Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I'm reading my book now. She's so money. I just started a while ago. I'm only at the second chapter. Haha. My aunt, uncle and cousin came just now. After having their dinner at the hawker centre. She played with Boy. Lol. It was really noisy. I meant Boy. He kept barking when they entered the house. I was covering my ears. I just sent an email to my aunt in HK! Hmm I've got nothing to do. Oh Cheyenne, thank you for your present and card! I like your drawing. Hahaha. Thanks! Okay, I did nothing much today. You probably don't want to know what that is. Its nothing interesting. Besides my mum and sister taking out the toblerone chocolate from the fridge. The dark chocolate. I don't like it. Its bitter! And they mixed it with some leftover chocolate chips that we used to bake cookies and heated it in a pot. Then they dipped the strawberries with it. Lol. :D Okay goodbye. :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Watched Hannah Montana in the morning. My sister recorded it yesterday. Lol. It was an old episode. I prefer the new one though. Got changed and wrote down what I had to buy in Popular. Haha, nothing better to do. My aunt fetched my grandma and I to IMM. I thought we were going to West Mall at first. I actually didn't want to go. I don't want to go out everyday. Its tiring! But my grandma wanted company. So I just followed. My sister was in Hougang, she had her training for her holiday job. So I went. I remember going to IMM with my relatives this holiday. We went for the fish spa. It was a really unforgettable experience. Hahaha. You should try! I bet you will laugh! Bought beardpapa's cream puff. Haha it's nice! :D All the seats were taken up, so we went to Burger king. And got a drink from Burger king. Oh before that my aunt went to Giant to shop for some stuff. And then we went to the carpark, and she drove us home. I called Chia Lynn. Haven't talk to her in a long time! Hahaha. I had to off the phone because my grandma was nagging. Oh never mind. My sister's swimming lesson was cancelled. I don't know why. She wanted me to swim with her. But I didn't feel like swimming at night.

Ebuddy is finally working. It works sometimes only. But MSN is not, for PC. I don't know what's the problem. I should stop talking about that. Talked to my cousin on ebuddy just now. She's working. Bye people!


Monday, December 28, 2009

belated merry christmas!

Hey! Yeah I know I haven't been blogging for the past few days. Sorry! I was busy. Okay, let me recall, I kind of forgot what I did. Too many to remember. Well, I know that I went to my aunt's place on Christmas. All my relatives were there. Most. Ate lots of stuff. Ham, crabs, jelly, mango cheesecake, chocolate cake, sushi and more. Oh and I borrowed the xbox from my cousin. Have to return it before school reopens. Oh and belated Merry Christmas! :)

Last saturday;
Went to west mall to have lunch. And then to the arcade to take neoprints with my sister. And I almost forgot about my swimming lesson which starts at 3. My mum came along. :D And nothing much. My dad cooked dinner. And played the xbox again. We can't play most of the games, (all the boys games). Only a few, like the goulie game, the fighting one. Hahaha! Beat my sister for the fighting one. Its fun!

Last sunday;
My cousin fetched my sister and I, and Boy too, to the dog park. Luckily I wasn't wearing anything white, the whole place was a little muddy. Oh and Lemon (my cousin's dog) came along too! There were quite a few dogs. A huge poodle, its fur is really really curly. Haha but its very cute and friendly. A husky, two dalmations, a dog which looks like the same size as Lemon and a yellow colored dog. I just sat at the bench watching them play. Lemon and the poodle kept humping each other. Omg, I was wondering when they would stop! Luckily Boy isn't gay. Haha! One of the dalmations took Lemon's toy ball and kept chewing it. His owner came to return it. And then he bit it again after my cousin threw the ball on the ground. Till it was spoiled. But its okay. But not for Lemon. He kept barking at that dalmation and chasing it. There were quite a lot of americans there. My sister bathed Boy right after we came home. He was all muddy and dirty. Yuck. And my aunt brought back Macdonalds for lunch. And then nothing much happened after that, besides playing the xbox, again.

Nothing interesting yesterday. Today? I am tired. Okay woke up at 9.25 and went to my school with my mum, (outside) and took down which bus goes there at the bus stops which surrounds my school. And had lunch at the coffee shop. Chicken rice. I am so sick of that! And came back home, played the xbox, watched tv and a movie called: Hitch. Nice movie! He's a dating consultant. And I don't want to talk about that. Had my dinner downstairs. And I'm using the computer now. Ebuddy and MSN aren't working. So never mind. So goodnight!

Here are my tag replies:
Chia Lynn: Hello! How are you? Oh and Merry Christmas too! :D Haha sorry for not getting you anything too. :( Sorry!
ChEyEnNe: Hey sister! Hahaha. Yeah Merry Christmas to you too! I miss you a lot too! :(
ELAINE: Hey! Belated Merry Christmas to Elaine! :) And no way! No boxers for me! Haha!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

christmas eve!

Hohoho! Merry Christmas! I just came back from Orchard. Changed the cable thing, and got the demand tv. Haha. Feeling tired. Woah, the whole street was really crowded. Christmas, I know that. Didn't get to take any pictures though my sister brought the camera. Went to Plaza Singapura and Orchard Central. Its really big. The one where they flimmed the advertisment. I'm going to my aunt's place tomorrow. And after that, my grandma is coming to stay. Hope Boy wouldn't be naughty. My parents are bringing sushi from Sakae Sushi and they are making crabs! Yay! I'm having turkey too! Hahahaha. Okay done. My dad just fixed the cable thing, now I can watch the new channels. Oh and I went to the market today, borrowed this movie called: Its the boy girl thing. Goodnight!


Tag replies:
Chia Lynn: Ha ha ha. Okay.
Wei En: Relink-ed already! And thanks!
ChEyEnNe: Oh yeah. Lol, I bet he won't tell. And my school is okay. Hehe.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Queensway Secondary.

Went to my school just now. Saw Joshua there. Okay I bought the books and the uniform. The uniform is purple in color. I mean the skirt only. And its so big and long! Okay more of long. And I still have to wear the school badge and tie. Zhi Xuan maybe appealing. I don't know. But I don't think so. I didn't see anyone that I know besides Joshua. I've to report to school at 7! And I'm released at 12.45 on weekdays except for fridays. Fridays should be 12.15! That's because muslims got to pray. Anyway tomorrow is christmas eve! And I got my santa hat already. Haha. Can't wait till christmas. But I can wait till school reopens. Sigh have to wake up earlier than last time when it reopens. Since the distance is much longer. Okay goodbye!

Tag replies:
Chia Lynn: Of course I will. Don't worry, and you think I'm going to say: wrong number when you call? Please. I will recognise your voice.
ELAINE: Yeah I will. A lot!
ChEyEnNe: Like last time. And thanks. Okay I don't like the school uniform! Purple? Oh and yeah I know Chia Lynn told me. Hehe I can't go to MSN and Ebuddy through my PC. Yeah I will force him to tell. Then I will be saying I bet you didn't get into Nan Hua. Its true. I wouldn't tell him mine. Haha. :D

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

queensway secondary!

Hello! I got into Queensway Secondary. I'm going to swim later with my sister and probably my mum. Hey even if we are in different schools, do keep in touch! :) And Yue Ning, I will visit you and Fac next time haha. I'll try to finish scrapbooking by this holiday. The scrapbook that I was scribbling on with Chia Lynn, Chang Ting and Cheyenne. Oh and Elaine, don't forget to sign on it! I really need to work very hard next year. Oh man. Lots of homework and tuition again. Okay okay I'm going to my aunt's place for Christmas. And Merry Christmas! Okay this is my advanced Christmas wish to you. Haha. Bye people!


Monday, December 21, 2009

Boy's appointment

Brought Boy for his appointment at the vet. Oh and then we went to west mall to have lunch at Mayim. The dim sum there is nice! Haha. Borrowed a book from the library and I almost wanted to buy the christmas hat. But my sister forgot to bring money so never mind. :) Maybe tomorrow night. Okay bye. I know that this post is really short and by the way,  Chia Lynn, I don't do long posts. Ciaoz! :)


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chia Lynn called me to update my blog so there. A short post. My legs are kinda aching. I don't know why. Maybe I sat on the chair for too long without getting up. Okay I am stretching my legs. And I woke Boy up. Ouch. It hurts. Sorry Boy! Updated okay bye! HAHA!

Tag replies:
Chia Lynn: Haha yeah. We have been friends for nearly four years already. Its only french fries it won't be that harmful.
ChEyEnNe: Okay sure. Visit Yue Ning and Fac one day. Haha I think we should stop talking about who ate one or who ate none! Should really thank Yue Ning for helping us eat them. :D

Saturday, December 19, 2009

just look up in the sky

140th post. Okay I knew that my swimming lesson will be cancelled. So no point talking about that. Spent the last few hours drawing a christmas tree on my aunt's book, painting some stuff on the new wooden table. Yuck. It has a smell. Nothing much. Need to work tomorrow. Well, yeah I can say that. Have to go for my guitar class too. Must I really? Okay goodbye. I don't have the mood to blog.
Hey. I'm afraid that they will cancel the swimming lesson. Because its raining now. I'm making a christmas present for my aunts in HK. Going to send them over tomorrow. Oh and I drew, pasted and wrote things inside. Don't tell them. Ha, okay I'm sure you can't. I'm hungry. Haven't eaten my breakfast and its 1.03 already. Oh oh, I watched Hannah Montana the movie yesterday. Borrowed the DVD. Going to watch Get Enchanted later. Okay I gtg. Pack my things! Bye! :)

Tag replies:
ChEyEnNe: Hahaha! Yeah Chia Lynn didn't even eat any.
WCT: Hello! So have you still been baking?
Yue Ning: Haha. Maybe next time I'll visit you and Fac.
Chia Lynn: Ha ha. Funny. Okay I think I am going to delete that blog. Maybe. I don't want to type as long as you. I don't have so much time alright! And I think I'm going to Elaine's house next saturday. With my sister.

Friday, December 18, 2009

the princess and the frog

Hey! I forgot to mention that I went to watch The Princess and the Frog. It was awesome. I like the bug called louis. Though it isn't really cute. He ended up with angelina. How sweet. And Tiana isn't a princess, she was just wearing a gown when she kissed the prince. Okay sorry for giving too many details.

I went to my cousin's place on wednesday. To junction 8. Ate at pizza hut! The valuable meal. It was great. But too full for me. Then we went to the arcade. Played the basketball game, the mario kart, a japanese game (its really cute!). Then we went for swimming, okay, and yesterday too. Two times in a row? Haha. My sister is really into swimming. Anyway, I've been really bored these days. Okay maybe not. But this month? Ha! Have been talking to Chia Lynn through the phone like almost everyday I am home. She keeps saying: I want to watch New Moon, again. She really is an Alec-fan. But I think I prefer Robert. Oh and Taylor looks great in New Moon. :D

Okay. My sister went out with Eugenia and Gillot (Elaine's sister). Boy is sleeping right now. He has got an appointment at the vet next week. He has to take an injection. And his front leg is injured. Poor Boy! Hope he is okay. Maybe going to Chia Lynn's or Grace's house. Next week. Cheyenne is going to Snow City later. I feel like going to ice skate! I remember I went to HK to ice skate once (with my cousin too) And also, with Gilian and Michael, and my sister. And with my parents and my sister. Oh and another time just with my sister, but my mum was watching. Ha, really fun. But my feet do hurt after skating. I remembered, the first time I skated, I used the metal bar thing for balance. For the rest, I didn't really need it. But I'm not that good in balancing. Hahaha. That time I went with my cousin, he fell, and pulled me down! I fell too! Okay I don't feel like blogging anymore. Ciaoz!

Tag replies:
Chia Lynn: Ha! I already printed them out. But it is kind of small though. Anyway, thanks for printing some for me! :D Oh and I read all of your posts already. Wow. I didn't know that you only blog once a month last time! Haha. By the way, Chang Ting is afraid of my dog, Yue Ning's parents don't allow her to go out, and Cheyenne is going to Malaysia. That leaves only you coming?
ChEyEnNe: Hahaha! Only one!
Yue Ning: Hello hello! How is Fac?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

chang ting, chia lynn and cheyenne!

Hello. I had breakfast with my mum at Mcdonalds. Rushed to school to meet Cheyenne and Chang Ting. We collected our certificates and then headed to bukit timah plaza. Bought Boy's and my sketchbook and we went to NTUC to get some snacks. Finally we went to Cheyenne's place. Zhi Xuan lives so near her. Oh anyway, we cut out some pictures that Chia Lynn printed. One of them has ink marks on my face. Then we decorated our front page and stuff. Chang Ting got hungry and kept complaining (haha!) so we went to my mum's store. Chia Lynn, Chang Ting and Cheyenne didn't want to eat the cheese fries! I ate quite a lot of it since they didn't want it or they are probably too full. Lol! Its free! Haha, I don't get it. Went to visit Yue Ning and Fac! Omg, Fac is so cute! I love him! Okay not as much as Boy. But he is really cute. He is really slow in walking and kind of fat. Hahaha! Okay I am not going to talk about the rest. I got to go now. Goodbye!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hi! Brought Boy downstairs the playground this afternoon! Good thing no one was there or else he would bark. Or not. I brought my blue colored nike water bottle down (its really old!), haha, I sprayed him using that. He looked so funny. Oh and after that, we went to ikea and bought furnitures. Like a small wooden table, a white colored rolling chair, a mirror, and some other things. Cheyenne! I ran out of computer ink. And Chia Lynn and Yue Ning too. Sigh. The neoprints take up so little space only. Oh and I tried calling you through your house phone and your handphone. But you didn't pick up. Never mind. Haha. Okay I will be meeting Chia Lynn tomorrow outside school to collect the certificate, but before that I'll be getting my scrapbook, and then going to Cheyenne's place. Bringing Boy to the vet soon. Okay, goodbye. I don't feel like typing anymore. Going to play Fashion Fits! Haha. Oh Chia Lynn, do you want me to lend you the game Babysitting Mania? It is quite boring. I can bring it for you tomorrow.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

day out with my sister!

Hello people! My second post. Anyway, I went for my swimming lesson today, and my sister followed me. We were a little late because she was so slow in packing her things, that is part of the reason. The other is because we brought my dog down the playground. Lol! I had a fun time! We kept playing on the slide. I bet Boy was really tired. It was 2 o' clock then. I can't believe it but we took 25 minutes to pack our stuff! After swimming, I had lunch in West Mall and we did quite a number of things.

1. Returned the overdued library books.
2. Borrowed new books! Like: Ooh la la! Connie Pickles, She's so money and Lottie Biggs is not mad!
3. Bought a christmas card.
4. Bought a PC game called: Fashion Fits!
5. Bought two pink combs and rubberbands.

Yeah. That's all. And Chia Lynn, do you think I have a choice? Lol. Even if I choose to live there now, it doesn't mean I can. So I am stuck here in singapore. But I know that I've my family here in singapore and my great friends! So no worries. :)

do you believe if i said that i am a canadian? nah. of course not.

Had breakfast at Mcs with my mum and my sister. I just found out today that I could have been a canadian. That is so cool. I mean the way they speak, unlike how singaporeans speak english. Plus singlish. Anyway, my parents could have gotten married in HK and then migrate back to canada! And and and I would have a car, (because canada is so big, compared to SG), played with snow, gotten a canadian dog (or even more than one!) and many more!  My life would have been so much different. But it is never going to happen. Unless a time machine exists. Sigh. No point daydreaming.

Anyway, I will be going for my swimming lesson later. My sister will be coming too. Yay! Company. Hahaha. We will be going there earlier. And her friend, Fayme maybe coming! I am kinda excited. Hope it doesn't rain later. Or else I would have to return home like last week. My sister is like talking to her non-stop! Haha. That's what Chia Lynn/Chang Ting and I do sometimes. Talk on the phone non-stop. Cause its boring here in SG. My mum made a wrong decision! Maybe? Okay, lighten up Sheryl. I will get over it someday later.

I can't! I keep thinking about canada, canada, canada. And the flag looks better than singapore's. Lol! Ending my post here. Goodbye my singaporean friends! :(


Friday, December 11, 2009

out with chia lynn, cheyenne and yue ning!

Hey. Went to watch New Moon today with Chia Lynn, Cheyenne and Yue Ning. Chia Lynn's sister came too. I reached there first and that's because my house is nearer to west mall. And I went to the library and returned the books. I was trying to find some books, but I was afraid that they would be waiting for me outside the cinema. So I went up, and we arrived there at the same time. Booked the seats and its only 6 bucks. Hahaha! Valerie, its 4 dollars cheaper than yours! Okay okay. Chia Lynn and I bought a packet of twistees which cost $2.50. We should have gotten it somewhere else. But the movie was going to start in 10 minutes. It was cold in there. And I forgot to bring a jacket. The movie was okay. Kinda scary for the Volturi part. Played and took neoprints in the arcade. We only took one time! And then went to have lunch. Yue Ning went to meet her Mum at Mcs. So its left with the three of us!

Maybe going to Cheyenne's place next week. My sister is now looking for jobs in the newspaper. Holiday jobs. So good luck to you for finding your perfect job. Why not try the dog handler? Sounds fun. Up to you. Hahaha. Okay, shall end here.

Tag replies:

Chia Lynn: Hahaha. I tagged already. Please check!
Valerie: Really? I don't care.
ChEyEnNe: Lol! You mean Yue Ning? Wow. Throughout the movie?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

cookies and cake!

Surprisingly, I am not bored today. Hahahaha. I mean I always complain about how bored I am but not today. And that's because my sister and I baked chocolate chip cookies, cut-out shaped cookies and oreo cheese cake. Aren't you jealous? Hahahaha! Just kidding. It was our first time making those cut-out shaped cookies. It was fun. I like the bear and heart-shaped cookies. The cake is pretty easy to make! And its also our first time for the cake! And it taste quite good! I love cheese! They are just irresistible!

Okay, I ran out of things to say. Haha. I bake everyday? I wonder how I'm able to finish them. Some are not so crispy. But never mind. I haven't been practicing guitar recently. I am just too lazy and tired. And I spend my time baking cookies and that is part of the reason. Oh did you watch Singapore Idol? Tabitha is out. Now I hope that Sylvia can win. Or else.. I can't imagine. Sezari Sezali be the Singapore idol? Oh by the way, I am watching New Moon tomorrow with Chia Lynn, Cheyenne and Yue Ning. Yue Ning is finally back from her trip to Hong Kong. Oh I miss my relatives from HK. And the food! I heard that its really cold there. I don't know how many times I mention the new moon thing already, probably more than 2 times?

To: Valerie

Hello!? You are welcome for reading your blog posts aloud! I was exaggerating. Oh and go to my other blog please. Thank you very much.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hey people! The computer is finally okay. But there is nothing much to do anyway. Oh and my sister and I have been baking cookies, chocolate chip cookies! Its too sweet! It taste something like subway cookies. And we went to Bukit Timah Plaza just now to buy the ingredients for tomorrow's oreo cheesecake that we are going to make. Its pretty simple, though I have no idea what I should do to the oreo cream. Okay, sorry for the short post. Bye! 10 o' clock! The police show. Hahaha. Oh and Chia Lynn, I received your post card yesterday. Thanks! I want to visit that place on the postcard too! Haha.

*To: Valerie

Hi, if you are reading this. Hahaha. There isn't really much of a secret. Anyway, I had loads of fun today laughing in BTP. Well, maybe I was too loud, so the american guy looked at us. And you know what happened. Okay, happy baking tomorrow! And they won't allow you to buy that special shampoo. So bye! And also, happy emailing!

From: Sheryl

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Its saturday already, how fast. I've been watching television, using the computer, doing this christmas present for my aunt, and sleeping these few days. And bringing my dog for a walk? He barks at everyone he sees. That is so irritating, for our neighbours, and me. I woke up at 9 today but still feeling a little tired.

Oh they are showing high school musical 3 today on disney channel, and white chicks on channel 5? I can't decide on which movie to watch. Hahaha. Okay, maybe white chicks, since I already watched high school musical 3. But they look kind of weird, they are blacks actually, and they did plastic surgery I guess? But they still looked weird. Lol, it looks funny. I don't really know the story well.

My sister went out to orchard with Eugenia to watch New Moon. Oh and my friend said that Singapore cut many parts of the movie. What the hell. Okay, never mind. I will be only watching next friday, which is so long later. Okay, I shall continue with my cutting of pictures. Goodbye!

new moon

Hey. Talked to Chia Lynn in Skype! The video wouldn't work so we only talked to each other like on the phone, except there isn't any money required, well, besides the electricity bill. Oh and Chia Lynn, Cheyenne, Yue Ning and I will be going to watch New Moon next week! It isn't too late right? Chang Ting isn't going because she isn't interested in the movie. Haha, I wonder why. But I still hope she goes anyway. We are going to take neoprints, as usual.

I just combed Boy's fur, omg, you can never imagine how many knots he has! I used my mini comb, and it is kind of spoilt now, thanks to Boy's knots. Sigh, I still have swimming tomorrow. Hope it isn't going to rain! Talking about rain, its been raining these few days! Non-stop! Its kind of cooling, but I hate it when I am out. But now I'm home! Hahaha.

I am really bored! I've got nothing to talk about. But Chia Lynn called me to update my blog. And its like so dead. Dead blog! Okay I shall end here, sorry for the short post Chia Lynn!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Hey, I noticed that I have been blogging almost everyday. Well, I've got nothing to do. I talked to Cheyenne in Skype just now. Hahaha, I was laughing. Next time I shall call her to go online so that I can call her up. Its good to have a webcam. Haha, and Skype too. I think its better than MSN. But not many people have Skype. I should change the topic. Its boring.

I've been munching on toblerone chocolates, its irrisistable. Haha! But quite sweet. Or too sweet! Its one of my favourite chocolates. Okay I shouldn't eat too much. Hey you know chocolates help when you are feeling depressed? Well, it helps me. My sister went to west mall with her friend to find a job, since its the holidays already and she wants to earn money.

Oh and I can't wait to watch New Moon! I saw the trailer a few times already and it looks real interesting! Okay, bye for now!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

stealing heaven!

Hi! Good afternoon. Well, its a pretty late afternoon already. And I am sitting on the chair and thinking of what to do, again. I don't know. Seriously, I am really bored after they left! I am still thinking of the fish spa I had yesterday at IMM. It was so ticklish. Hahaha. It makes me laugh for no reason. Oh and I can't wait to watch New Moon the movie! It looks pretty cool.

My sister and I brought Boy down to the playground this afternoon. Okay this early afternoon. There is nothing much to talk about, he pee-ed? Must I say? Okay, I shouldn't. Oh and I am going to read finish this library book that I borrowed not long ago called: Stealing Heaven! Its quite interesting! Its about an eighteen year old girl who is a thief, and she always moves houses so that no one can know her real identity. But she fell for a guy called Greg, and he is a cop. Her Mum fell sick in the end and I think she died. Its like a love story plus some stealing in it! Haha. Okay, I shall end here. Bye!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

fish massage spa.

Hey people! My relatives went back to HK. Wow. I didn't know that eight days passed so quickly. I wish it didn't, but I've kind of gotten over it already. I am okay. The whole house was in a mess when they left, lol, though it already is before, but not so messy! So we cleaned and cleaned till night time. It feels so quiet when they aren't here in SG! Oh. I went to the school today and my Mum already submitted the form. And we saw Shawn's Mum, aka Shona's Mum. And she put Assumption SS as the first choice.

I went to IMM today, and I tried out this fish masssage spa! There was lots of screaming and laughing. Hahaha! It was so funny! I was kind of afraid to put my legs into the water! But I tried it out in the end, the fishes feed on your dead skin on your feet. It was so ticklish! I tried to stopping myself to laugh, but I can't help! It felt like something sort of sucking on your skin. You should try though!

Okay I got a call, bye!