Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hey! My computer has a problem. I can't upload pictures into blogger! Urghhh. I am currently doing my music project, its driving me nuts! Anyway, I have my 6-hour tuition tomorrow, again. Sigh. Its just like another day at school. 6 hours of studying. Zomg!
My Dad is changing the menu for the stall, :D He's gonna sell cheese fries, and changing the salad to coleslaw!
Okay, I gotta continue searching. Bye!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hi people. I changed my blogskin. But it has a problem.. I can't delete that box which was supposed to be a picture! Urghh. Sorry for the short post. I got to go now. Seeya'!
Hey there! Good afternoon, haha. Hmm.. The PSLE Chinese Oral was hard. Many people said that too. I meant for Day 2. Sigh, I don't think I can get a 40. Anyway, I am now learning and memorizing Science.. How boring. I wonder how much I'd get. Urghhh. When I finished my oral, I had to go to the hall right? And I sat there for like an hour or more, my legs were almost frozen.
Okay, so.. What should I talk about? Oh yeah. Did you watch Ryan Higa's new videos? They are so funny! You guys should watch. Just search it in Youtube. Movie in Minutes. I watched New Moon, and Rant on Music. Haha, I was like laughing my heads off.
Its recommended! :D

Thursday, August 20, 2009

PSLE English Oral today. It was quite okay. :) The oral testers were quite friendly. Haha. The malay tester was smiling all the way. I hope I did well. Chinese Oral tomorrow. Damn, I have to practice a lot!
Something is wrong with my blogskin.. Well.. I have to change it after posting this. Maybe I shouldn't have changed my previous blogskin. Urghh. They showed the Bee Movie in school. I missed the movie. Okay, most parts of the movie. Okay, I got to go now. Got to practice my oral. See ya'!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I am so busy now a days. With homework and stuff. Plus, I can't update much because of the coming prelims and PSLE. Stress. I watched Singapore Idol, just now. Well.. Some people can sing well, but.. Some were horrible, like the "Asian Avril Lavigne".
Sorry for the short post, got to go now. Bye!