Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Mum's birthday is coming. Well.. I drew her a card, and me and my sister got her a cake, and a wallet! I shared the cost with my sister, my Dad paid half for the cake.
But her birthday is next Monday. Which is my Chinese Prelim Oral. Sigh. I've been practicing and memorizing the descriptive words and stuff for my chinese oral. Urghhh. Better get this over with. I really want to do well.
I'm too lazy to change my blogskin. Umm.. Will change when I am free. Okay, I got to go. Have to find some stupid meanings for my english worksheet which Mrs Sachi called us to do. Seeya'!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Finally, the computer is unlocked. There is lots and lots of work that I have to complete since the June holidays had ended. School work, tuition work, and assessments. Getting stress!
I want to watch Harry Potter the 6th movie, showing in the cinemas now, but I haven't watched the fourth one yet. But its showing on Sunday.
Alright, I shall end here. Bye!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

School reopened already. Hmm.. Now I am in C7A. I don't really like the teacher. Anyway, I finished my homework. But still have to study non-stop tomorrow. 6 hours. Thats so long. Cant help it though. Yay! No school next monday. But there is still supplimentry.
Gtg now. Ttyl! ♥